8. Early Exits

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SINCE THE moment Richie woke up the next morning, to when he was eating lunch that afternoon he couldn't stop thinking about his plans today with Kate. He wasn't sure what to call it. A date? A tutoring session? A hang out? Whatever it was, he was shaking with nerves

Right now, Richie was sitting on the couch with Peter and May, collecting any good advice they could give.

"May, you must've had boyfriends when you were out age. How do I approach this?"

"Uh-- you told me this was a study session. If you're trying to do anything else we're gonna have a whole different conversa-"

"No! Not like that, but I mean-"

"Oh my god, Richie," Peter mocked in a girly voice, pushing on his brothers shoulder teasingly. "You teaching me this equation is so hot!"

"Shut up, Peter." Richie scoffed with a small smile on his face, shaking his head. "I mean -- I'm going to her house. What if her mom isn't there! I've never been in a girls room before!" Richie gave an incredulous look over to May, obviously looking for guidance.

"Okay, okay. There was this.. thing.. this move that boys would do to girls back in the day." May sighed, waving her hand lazily, almost ashamed she was bringing this up. After thinking about it for a moment, she stood up from the couch to walk over to Richie. "You have to promise you won't laugh."

"I'm probably gonna laugh." Richie admitted.

"Don't." The older lady repeated, before clearing her throat. "Okay, this is it. Ready?"

"Ready." The boy nodded, while Peter watched the scene infront of him with an amused smirk on his face.

Without another word, Aunt May put on this seductive expression, and outstretched her hand, placing it on Richie's shoulder. "Hey."

The boy blinked silently for a moment, his face blank. "You're serious?"

"Hey." May repeated, deepening her voice even more than the first time.

"That's what guys would do?" Richie asked incredulously, while May retracted her hand and took her seat again, sighing.

"Yeah. It was like their first move, and you'd go from there." May shrugged her shoulders, before checking her watch. "Oooh, Rich, it's almost 1 o'clock. You're gonna wanna hurry if you wanna make the subway on time."

The boys eyes widened as he checked his phone. "What! I gotta go get ready!" Richie exclaimed, jumping up from the couch and running to his room. He ripped off the shirt he was wearing and replaced it with a white tee and a flannel over top.

While Richie was shoving his textbook and work package into his backpack, he glanced over at the note on his desk.

Made a bad decision, now on the run. It was great meeting you. Call if you need anything, even just a friend.


Natasha Romanoff had left Richie her number. He wasn't sure if this was an appropriate thing to call and ask about, but she did say even if he needed a friend, and that's what Richie was looking for.

Shaking his head, Richie folded the note and stuffed it into his pocket. Just for safe keeping. Slinging his backpack over his shoulder, the boy charged out of his room, determined to catch the subway. He would hate to ruin his real first impression on Kate.

When Richie entered the living room of their apartment, Peter was already smiling over his shoulder before he could make his remark to his brother.

When Richie entered the living room of their apartment, Peter was already smiling over his shoulder before he could make his remark to his brother

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