3. Puberty All Over Again.

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"MY NAME is Dr. Kurtis Connors, and i'll be your tour guide for today."

Students muttered amongst themselves in awe that they had such a high name man to show them around. Especially one doing his own research project that students are going to accompany him with.

"And yes, in case you're wondering I'm a southpaw." He added with a smile. Most students laughed at his self deprecating joke, but Richie and Kate shared a look, as they had exited the bus together and stayed close ever since. Kate's excuse was that she might get lost without his navigation, and he politely agreed to help her out.

"Southpaw?" She asked in a whisper.

"No idea." He replied in the same hushed tone. Peter bumped him in the arm, telling him to shut up.

"I'm not a cripple, I'm a scientist, and the world's foremost authority of herpetology. That's reptiles for those of you who don't know."

Kate had turned her head to ask Richie what it meant, but breathed out a silent 'ah' once Connors clarified

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Kate had turned her head to ask Richie what it meant, but breathed out a silent 'ah' once Connors clarified.

"But like the parkinson's patience who watches in horror as her body slowly betrays her, or the man with macular degeneration whose eyes grow dimmer each day, I long to fix myself. I want to create a world without weakness." The expert explained with a slightly smug and dramatic tone. As he continued, he led group 4 through Oscorp. "I'm sure your teacher, as well as the Daily Bugle told you that I plan to use cross-species genetics, but does anyone know where this idea might have sparked from? It's more of general knowledge then something you'd learn, to be fair." Connors stopped walking and looked around, seeing no show of hands.

"A zebra fish.." Peter muttered to himself. Richie looked at him with wide eyes, slapping his shoulder. Once he got a glance, Richie motioned for him to tell Connors, as he was the only one who could even think of an answer.

"No one?"

"Uh, sir- a zebra fish has the ability to regenerate cells on command, and parkinsons occurs when dopamine cells begin to disappear. If you somehow gave this ability to that woman you were talking about then.. well she's basically curing herself." Peter answered, a little unsure of himself after he heard his own voice out loud.

"Yeah, you just have to look past the gills on her neck." Harry joked, and some students laughed again. Though, Connors, Ned, Mj and Richie all gazed at Peter in disbelief and curiosity.

"Heh.. a-and you are?"

"Uh.. P-Peter Parker, sir." The scientist look between Peter and Richie, with a faint smile on his face.


"Twins." They said in unison, making them both cringe.

"Facinating." He gave them both a bit of a look, before continuing on through a long hallway.
Connors continued to talk about some of the things Peter had told May about, but Ned was too busy gushing to his best friends to care.

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