9. A Trip to Remember

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BACK AT the apartment, Richie was currently shoving clothes into his suitcase as May stood in his doorway with a confused expression on her face and a hand on her hip. Peter was sat on his bunk, watching Richie go back and forth in their room.

"So this is.. what.. another retreat?" The woman asked with suspicion laced in her voice. She missed her nephews when they left last time. And, in all honesty, she wasn't very fond of Tony Stark.

"Wait, should I pack a bag too?" Peter piped up, eyes widening in realization he could be slowing them down.

"Sorry, Pete, but Mr. Stark said he only needed me this time." Richie lied through his teeth. He had already told Peter what was really going down, but they still needed to sell the deal to their aunt. Plus, Tony let them keep the IPad that was able to access the camera in Richie's suit, so Peter can watch Richie once he leaves.

"That's fine. More work for you, anyway." Peter shrugged, as the brothers exchanged a smile.

"I just- I dunno, this all seems a little.. spontaneous if you ask me. I mean, last time it was a weekend, but you're skipping school for this, Rich. Are you sure you can take some time off?" May questioned, adjusting the pair of glasses on her face.

"Are you calling me dumb?" Frowned Richie, letting his arms fall to his sides.

"No, no! I just want you to make sure your priorities are in line."

"I can handle myself, Aunt May. I know how to manage my time." The boy scoffed, totally ignoring the fact he just left Kate hanging.

"Okay, I'm trusting you. When do you leave?"

 When do you leave?"

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"...like right now."

"R- right now? Richie-"

"It's fine! Just think of it as a school trip, but not with the school. I'm still learning anyway." Richie shrugged, zipping up his suitcase. "I gotta go, Mr. Stark said to meet him at Mr. Delmar's, he would be hungry when he gets off the jet."

"Uhh, but Mr. Stark had a personal chef on there-?" Peter chimed in, confused.

"Okay fine, I'm the one whos hungry." Richie rolled his eyes, before pulling Peter, then Aunt May into a hug. "I love you guys, I'll be home in a few days."

"You better b-"

"Okay, I love you May, bye!"

Richie rushed out of the shared bedroom and out of their apartment. Once he was allowed into the elevator and down to the lobby, he left through the back door and webbed his suitcase to a dumpster.

Checking both sides of the alley he was in, he ripped off his clothes, revealing his suit underneath them. Peeling on his mask, gloves and boots, Richie set out for the airport.

He had a long flight ahead of him.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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