5. Friend.. or Foe?

133 10 6

March 17th, 2016

UNDERSTANDING HOW to control Richie's web shooter was definitely easier than adjusting to his enhanced senses and reflexes. He had to train himself not to be so jumpy and sensitive. Especially around Kate. Anytime her hair would blow in the wind, Richie would flinch and freak her out.

The past week hadn't been too bad, though. After reminiscing on what Richie had did to Flash, he decided to man up and stop a robbery in an alleyway. He wore an old halloween mask, since he didn't want to reveal his identity to any secret drug lords or gangsters. It seemed to be working, as every day people were thanking him for his help. He never gave out a name though. Peter had concluded that his brother was a hero, and needed a cool suit to go with his acts and create a persona. With his superpowers, he could become just like the Avengers some day.


"I wanna see if you guys are hiding any big muscles under those flannels." Harry joked, leading them to a new machine in his game room. It was a punch machine, with the high score reading 674.

"It shouldn't be that hard." Peter shrugged, standing infront of the machine for a few seconds, looking at the glove that hung down from the top. He seemed to be doing some kind of calculations, because once he swung, Peter got a score of 739.

"Okay, beginners luck." Shrugged Harry. "You go, Rich."

Walking up to the machine, Richie rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck. He wasn't sure if punching this would break the machine, but Rich didn't wanna look weak. After pressing the button for the bag to fall down, Richie pulled back his fist and punched the bag, causing the screen with the numbers to ride up all the way to 999, then going completely blank. "Is that supposed to happen?"

Both Harry and Peter's mouth fell open in shock. Harry wasn't aware of the new changes Richie had developed, but Peter sure was. And this was proving his theory that his brother was superhuman.

"Definitely not, but i'll just have Marcus replace it."

End of Flashback.

Most of Richie's heroic acts consisted of stopping muggers or redirecting foreigners. He was kind of a local helper and not a hero, but today was different. Tonight, on his regular patrol Richie spotted a group of 6 men holding assault rifles infront of a smashed window. Perfect.

"Peter?" Richie asked through the ear piece his brother had developed for him. It made Rich feel like a professional spy, while he was stuck to the side of a building watching the men.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm here. What do you see?"

"Sssssix guys.. guns, broken window. I think its a jewellery shop."

"What're you waiting for, man?! You could potentially be saving hundreds of dollars worth of stuff!"

"Okay, but I've never done something this bi- shit- I gotta go!" Richie zipped over to a lamp post infront of the store, perching on it.

"Y'know you can still talk to me when you're moving, right?"

Rich stayed quiet.


After shooting a distraction web and making the goons heads turn, Rich shot two webs on both shoulders of one of the criminals, yanking him up to his own height before webbing him to the pole. None of the other men seemed to notice he was gone.

After preforming this move again, there was only four men left to fight. That seemed way easier than the original six. This time, instead of webbing the shoulders, Richie shot a web on each side of the criminal, thrusting himself forward to drive his fist into the mans jaw, knocking him out.

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