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"What do you mean we are suspended till further notice?" [Name] asked while raising her eyebrow and crossing her arm along side Hakari, her upperclassmen. "How could you ask that? You dare to clash with us higher ups acting as if you know how the authority works and then have the audacity to beat one of us up." "Why you-" Before Hakari could continue [Name] was able to get hold of the boy before he could get any closer to the higher ups.

"Hakari-senpai, we should just go. It's not worth it. We are already suspended."[Name] sighed, while walking towards the exit. "Actually, [Name] please stay for a bit longer. Hakari you are dismissed. Begin packing your stuff from your dorm and leave before midnight." Hakari grunted at this is turned to [Name] "Sorry for draggin' you into this, once you're done your meeting I'll help you pack and we can leave together. Alright?"

[Name] nodded and watched the boy exit and then turned her attention towards the higher-ups. "Why did you want me to stay behind?" She coldly asked. "Well, we wanted to talk about your suspension. Since you didn't harm us, and was just supporting Hakari and his foolish choices we decided that you can come back at the start of your second year."

"And Hakari?" [Name] asked. "He won't becoming back until further notice. So most likely no." [Name] clenched her fist once hearing this, but she knew better then to add fuel to the fire. "Alright. Thank you, I'll be leaving now." "Good. I expect to see you out of here before midnight as well." The girl nodded, left the room and went to her fellow classmates.


"I got suspended." "You WHAT?!" Screamed Panda and Maki. "Fish flakes." "How did you get suspended?" Questioned Yuta. "Hakari and I clashed authorities with the higher ups, plus he proceeded to beat the crap out of one of em'. But they said I'll be back at the start of the second year, so don't worry." She nonchalantly said while tying her hair up.

Before Maki could scold her they heard a loud chuckle coming from the entrance of the classroom. "That's funny." Stated the blind-folded man. "GOJO-SENSEI TAKE THIS MORE SERIOUSLY!" Yelled Maki. "You're right," Sighed Gojo. "I'm gonna miss teaching my favourite student!" He dramatically fake cried while clinging around [Name].(Not in a romantic way)

"Get off me old man." She groaned while pulling herself away from Gojo's grip. "I'm have to start packing now, I'm meeting Hakari-senpai out the front." She said while brushing her skirt and making her way to the front. She could sense how stressed out her fellow classmates were. "Don't worry to much, I'll be back before you know it."

The first years sighed, "I can't believe she got suspended." Mumbled Maki while playing with her fingers. "I know, it sucks." Panda pouted. "Ah~ I don't think that's what you should be worried about." Gojo suddenly spoke up. The students turned their heads. "What do you mean?" they asked in sync.

"You know, only recently [Name]-san recovered from her concussion she got two weeks ago and thanks to the injury she struggles remembering things from the past."  Once Gojo stated this the students went silent. "W-well I'm sure she will regain those memories once she comes back!" Yuta said trying to change the mood.

Gojo smiled at this, he appreciated Yuta's enthusiasm. He chuckled "Yeah, I hope she does. But anyways! You guys better head outside and start training! Chop Chop!" Gojo stated while clapping his hands and rushing the students out the room.


Meanwhile once [Name] finished packing she met up with Hakari near the entrance. "You ready to go?" She nodded. "Alright let's go." He replied while hoping into the car, with Ijitchi in the front. "We're gonna go meet up with Kirara the third year from the Kyoto Prefectural Jujustu High school." "The one you like?" [Name] said not realising the effect of her saying that. "SHUT UP!" He screamed defensively. [Name] smiled a bit at his childishness. "Can't wait to meet him."


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