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A few days after [Name] returned to Jujutsu High, it was eventually time for her to set off to her new mission. She was going to say goodbye to everyone but the first years left earlier for their mission and the second years were out training with Gojo.

Operation: retrieve the cursed finger.' She thought to herself before entering the car. She just finished packing some clothes and necessities that she will need while she is away.

"Have you gotten everything [L/n]-san?" ljichi asked while adjusting the rearview mirror. "Mhm, I'm gonna be coming back every weekend so.." He nodded before turning on the engine and begun making their way to their destination.


They eventually arrived to the train station, Ijichi opened the door for her quickly before grabbing her suitcase. "You know what train you're taking?" He asked like a paranoid dad.

She chuckles and nods. "I'll be fine Ijichi-sensei." The said male sighs before handing her suitcase to the [h/c] girl. "I'll see you Saturday." She nods before watching the man drive off. 'Okay, I just need to hop on the Shinkasen bullet train. This Ukai guy said he will meet me once I arrived at the station.' She said to herself before making her way into the station.


After an hour and a half she finally made it to her destination, Miyagi. "Oi kid! Are you [Name] [L/n]?" Upon hearing this she turned around and saw the blonde male yelling at her. She took a deep breath before making her way to the man.

"Yes I am. I presume your Keishin Ukai?" She asked. "Mhm. I'll take your suitcase, you just wait in the car." She thanks the man before hopping into the passenger seat of the car.

Once Ukai placed the suitcase in the trunk he entered the drivers seat. "How's the sorcerer life treating you?" He asks. "It's been going well.. I suppose." She shrugged. "If you don't mind me asking what is your cursed technique?"

Ukai chuckles. "I'm not a sorcerer, I just met Gojo through a good friend of mine.""I see.. is this friend perhaps Geto Suguru?" She questioned. She knew of him due to the incident that occured upon Yuta's arrival last year while they were still first years.

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