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Eventually, practice concluded and everyone was helping reset the gym. The team also found out they got invited to a training program for a week with some powerhouse schools in Tokyo.

[Name] was grateful to hear this since she wouldn't have to travel far and she could possibly spend some time with her classmates in preparation for the 'Kyoto Sister School Goodwill Event.'

"[Name]-san! Do you wanna walk home with me?" Hinata asked. [Name] thinks for a moment. Originally Ukai was gonna take her back with him, but she remembered about her mission. '

Crap! I still haven't done anything about him consuming Sukuna's finger, I'll just go with him now and get Ukai to text me his address.'  She sighs. "Sure, it'll be just us right?" Hinata's cheeks goes red. He realised that he will be with the pretty girl alone.

"A-ah yes! If that's okay-" Before he could continue she cuts him off. "Great, I'll just get my stuff now. I'll meet you out the front gate." She walks off leaving the flustered boy alone.

'I should tell the others I'm not walking with them..' He says to himself before grabbing his bag and making his way to the front of the school


After a couple of minutes waiting, [name] finally met Hinata at the front gate. "Sorry for keeping you waiting, I couldn't find my jacket." She says holding up the mentioned jacket.

"Eh? It's alright! The others already left so you can't say goodbye to them." Hinata explained while scratching the crook of his neck.

'Thank God..' She nods. "I see.. what a shame." She said while beginning to walk along side Hinata, thinking of how she can confront him about eating a cursed object without sounding crazy.

"So.. Hinata-san.. how are you feeling?" He tilts his head, confused why she was asking this. He didn't injure himself at training. "I'm.. okay?" He responded hesitantly.

'Does he for real not realise he ate a cursed object?! Or is he lying?' She scrunches her face a bit hearing this. She decided just to be blunt about it. "Hinata-san, it has come to my attention that you ate a cursed object."

Hinata froze. "H-huh? What?" He couldn't believe what he was hearing, in fact he thought he misheard her. "Can you repeat what you said?"

"You ate a cursed object." She says while glaring at the short boy. She shortly pulled out her phone and showed him a photo of Sukuna's finger. "Did you eat something like this?" He looked at the photo with widened eyes. "That's a... cursed object?! I thought it was a oddly shaped red liquorice?!" He said while panicking. "AM I GOING TO DIE?!"

[Name] deadpans. "You got... a finger confused with a piece of candy..?" 'How clueless is this kid?!' "Look.. you're not gonna die, because if you were you would've been dead by now. It's very rare for humans to be able to consume cursed objects." She says reassuring him.

"It's a very rare case indeed." A deep voice added, coming from Hinata's palm. "AHH!! WHAT'S ON MY HAND?" Her eyes go wide. 'The King of Curses.. Sukuna Ryomen.' "Holy shit.." [Name] whispers under her breathe. "Quit screaming you brat." Sukuna says, shutting the redhead up immediately. 

"Now, who are you?" Sukuna says. "I'm [Name], [L/n]. First grade sorcerer from Jujustu High." [Name] says confidently. One thing about [Name] despite being shy or reserved, when she's in the middle of a mission her whole persona changes.

"Ah.. ancestor of the [L/n] clan am I right..? You must have the cursed technique 'Overdrive' am I right?" She tilts her head, she never knew there was a [L/n] clan, but she nods regardless. 'I'll look into it more.'

Sukuna bluntly says with a hint of frustration. "Once I get control of this brat's body I'll make sure to destroy you." Upon hearing this Hinata immediately covers his hand. "H-HEY! D-don't listen to him [Name]-san!" He proclaimed with a hint of fear.

Suddenly the mouth on Hinata's palm disappears. "Hinata-san. You cannot tell anyone about this. If news spreads in might cause you to be executed." She sighs thinking about how if news travels fast enough the higher up's may find out and execute the mentioned boy.

Hinata panics, "E-EXECUTED?" She nods. "Hinata-san, it's a risk because there is a chance Sukuna, the guy on your hand may take over your body."

"W-what..? Is he a bad guy?!" Hinata panics. "Yes, he is the King of Curses, if he takes control of you there is a high chance he will cause severe damage towards man-kind."

He looks down at the ground, ashamed and at loss of words of what to say. [Name] could read him like a book, she knew what he was feeling. Somehow, this felt nostalgic. Although she couldn't tie a knot to why.

"Look, your able to control him. He hasn't taken over your body yet, right? Plus I'm a sorcerer, I will make sure nothing happens, that's why I'm here."

"You weren't here to be a coach?"

She shakes her head. "Nope. I was sent here to protect you from the Higher-ups. I only said I was a coach so the your school would let me in enter the school. Without being mistaken as a trespasser."

He sighs, trying to process this all this information. She could tell, she went up to him and gives him a reassuring hug. 'God this is so awkward..' She internally screams while embracing him. The sudden hug surprised Hinata, infact made him a bit red. But after a couple of seconds he returned the gesture.

"Hina-" He cuts her off. "You can just call me Shoyo." He says shyly, realising from her grasp. "Shoyo, I'll make sure nothing happens to you okay?" She says giving him a small smile.

He returned the smile, somehow hearing these words reassured him that he is in good hands.


They continued walking home, they talked more about their personal life and interests. Thankfully Sukuna didn't reappear and bother the two while they talked and made their way to their homes.

Once they arrived at Hinata's home they waved goodbye, just before Hinata enters the house [Name] calls out to him."Oh and Shoyo! Remember don't say anything about earlier okay?" She says reminding him  to make sure he doesn't tell anyone.

"I won't! I'll see you tomorrow!" He dismisses her before closing the door, leaving [Name] to make her way to the Ukai residence.


"An [L/n]..? Thought I ended that bloodline centuries ago." Sukuna clicks his tongue while sitting on the throne of his domain.

"Ill make sure to finish you off. [Name], [L/n]."


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