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Mamoru [L/n], the son of leader of the [L/n] Clan left his home one night and made his way deep into the forest with nothing more than a lantern and his horse. He eventually stopped in front of a small run-down house. He got off his house and took a deep breathe before knocking on the door.

The door slowly creaked opened, once it was fully opened Mamoru was greeted by a man, specifically a pink haired man with who had no shirt on, revealing his tattoos which was complimenting his toned body. Sukuna Ryomen. "I didn't expect you to actually show up.." He chuckled.

"Of course I had to, your presence is a threat to society. I'll make sure to kill you." Mamoru respond while cracking his neck. This pleased Sukuna. "An egotistical sorcerer?" He chuckles. "You better make this worth my time."

Mamoru doesn't respond, he gets into his fighting stance and begins vibrating his hand generating a large amount of electricity and aims directly at Sukuna. "SUPERBOLT!" He screams watching the electricity shoot out of his hands flying towards Sukuna.

Sukuna easily dodges this. "If you're aiming to kill me, you're gonna have to try a lot harder then that." He says taunting Mamoru who was currently shaking his hand, which was temperarily disabled.

"Eh? Don't tell me you've already given up.." Sukuna chuckles. "I thought the [L/n] clan was a powerful clan... how disappointing." Mamoru grit his teeth in annoyance.

Mamoru continues to throw attacks towards Sukuna, who unfortunately dodged them all. "You bore me." He yawns. "I'm sure I've entertained you long enough, Haven't I?" The pink haired male says getting ready to attack before he was interrupted.

"DOMAIN EXPANSION: DIVINE TYPHOON!" Mamoru suddenly screams. Suddenly their surroundings changes to a grassy field with typhoon-level winds. Mamoru suddenly begins to glow blue with shimmers of electricity. He begins attacking Sukuna with God-like speed.

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