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The week eventually came to an end, and [Name] returned to Jujutsu High after a long absence. She stretched, feeling a wave of relief wash over her as she exited the car. She thanked Ijichi for the ride and made her way to her dorm. Once she was inside, she started unpacking her bags, her mind wandering to her friends.

'How are Megumi and Nobara coping with Itadori's death..' She couldn't help but wonder, as she hung up her clean clothes in the wardrobe.

Once she finished packing her bags, [Name] headed out to the field to meet up with the other second-year students from Jujutsu High. She started updating them on what had been happening in Miyagi, while carefully avoiding any mention of the strange dream she had experienced or the revelation about her family's powerful sorcerer clan background.

"I'm heading off on a training camp next week, and it happens to be held in Tokyo, which is quite convenient," [Name] explained as she tied her hair into a ponytail. "So, you won't have to go back to Miyagi then?" Maki inquired.

"That's right," [Name] affirmed. "I'll be meeting up with the team in Tokyo, but I was planning to catch a train back to pick up Hinata and Kageyama. They have some exams they have to redo but one of the boys' sister offered to take them instead."

They all hummed in acknowledgement. [Name] quickly took a glance around her before asking about the first years. "How's the first years coping with the death of Itadori?" They all looked at her. "Uh.. they were upset, obviously. But I think they are fine. I mean they're pretty distracted with training." Panda shrugged.

"That's good," [Name] smiled as she observed Megumi and Nobara engaging in a friendly yet feisty exchange. They were getting ready to train, but were too engrossed in their banter to notice [Name] standing nearby.

"I'm glad they're trying to distract themselves from the loss," she thought to herself, quietly observing the two first years as they prepared to spar.

The second-year students hummed in agreement, and Maki asked, "Are you excited for the upcoming Sister-school exchange event?"

[Name] stayed silent for a moment, thinking about her friend Hakari. They had been close, sharing a sibling-like bond and always looking out for each other. His absence would definitely be felt, both during the exchange event and beyond.

"Yeah," [Name] finally responded, her face lighting up with a genuine smile. "I think we will do well." Inumaki watched her as she spoke, feeling his heart flutter in his chest. Seeing her smile always had that effect on him, making him feel a mixture of joy and affection.

Panda spoke up, a hint of motivation in his voice, "Alright, let's get started with the training. Especially since you haven't been here all week!" He headed towards the first-year students, signaling for the others to follow.

[Name] chuckled, feeling a pang of guilt for her absence. "Yeah, I guess I have some catching up to do."


By the end of the day, [Name] sat on the grass, gazing up at the stars as they twinkled in the silvery glow of the moonlight. Lost in thought, she was suddenly jolted back to reality by a gentle tap on her shoulder. When she turned, she saw Megumi standing there.

"Ah, Megumi," [Name] said, scooting over to make space for him to sit down. "I didn't get a chance to greet you properly earlier, since we went straight to training."

Megumi sat down next to her, and [Name] continued, "So, how have you been holding up?" she asked, referring to the recent loss of his fellow peer, Itadori.

"I've been..." Megumi hesitated, his voice trailing off. "I've been okay," he eventually replied, his gaze fixed on the blades of grass beneath his feet.

Despite Megumi's claim of being 'okay,' [Name] could sense the underlying turmoil beneath the surface. She spoke gently, her voice filled with concern, "Megs... you know if something's bothering you, you can always talk to me, right?"

Megumi nodded in agreement. [Name] respected his silence and didn't want to force him to speak. She knew that sometimes people needed space and time to process their emotions, so she didn't push further.

Megumi then changed the subject, asking, "How was Miyagi?" [Name] replied, "I enjoyed the country scenery there." She pulled her knees up to her chest and rested her arms on them.

Megumi hummed in agreement, "That's good." He lifted his gaze up towards the sky, his eyes seemingly lost in the vastness of night. [Name] knew him well; he was an introspective and introverted boy, and that very quality made his presence incredibly soothing.

Megumi inquired, "How's the mission going?" [Name] replied, "It's alright. Not much has happened so far." She paused, contemplating whether to mention her encounter with Sukuna but ultimately decided against it. Instead, she switched gears and told Megumi about the volleyball team and the upcoming training camp.

[Name] rose to her feet, "I'm gonna go to bed now, Maki wants me to spar with her in the morning." She yawned, then added, "Goodnight, Megs." With a playful gesture, she ruffled his hair before turning to head back to her dorm.

As [Name] disappeared around the corner, Megumi couldn't suppress a small smile from forming on his face. 'The things you do to me [Name]..'


[Name] shook her head, taking a sip from her bottle. "I don't know how you're just a grade 4 sorcerer, Maki," she stated dryly. Maki chuckled and took a drink from her own bottle before responding, "You did good today, [Name], especially considering you haven't been training as much as you should lately."

[Name] smiled, before her phone went off. "Hold on." She reached into her phone. Realising she was added into a groupchat, which seemed to be the volleyball team's groupchat.

Karasuno Volleyball Team.




Ah hello [Name]! 😊

Hello, how did you guys get my number?



You just did idiot.

[Name] chuckled before turning off her phone. "Ready for round 2?" Maki asked, adjusting her glasses. [Name] smiled.

"Bring it on."


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