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[Name] stayed up late that night, she didn't even attend the after school training. She was determined to find out what her dream was about. Who was Mamoru? What was his relation to the clan? She gripped her hair stressed trying to find something on the internet.

She tried to recall any past events from when she was younger but for some reason she couldn't, [Name] struggled trying to remember her past. She only remembers some memories she had when she was raised and in Gojo's care.

'What is wrong with me..' She mentally complaint before getting up from her desk in her temporary room and going towards the bathroom to get ready for bed. She enters the bathroom locking the door behind her.

'How am I meant to find out information about my own family's so called clan if I don't even know my past?' She asks herself tightening her grip her toothbrush.

She eventually finished brushing her teeth and washed her face before heading back to her bedroom. She lays down and covers herself with the bed covers and shuffles until she's comfortable.

The [h/c] girl was left in her thoughts, she was annoyed at herself. Why couldn't she remember her past? What if there was some valuable information she was told when she was younger? She takes a deep breathe trying to distract herself from these thoughts, she tosses and turns before eventually falling asleep.


The next morning [Name] woke up around 9am. The boys didn't have morning practice today so she decided to use this day to explore Miyagi. She changed into a comfortable crop top and some flared jeans. She went downstairs to see a note on the fridge.

Hey [Name],

I'm gonna be at the Market all day,
I'll be back around 3 o'clock so we can
go to practice.

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