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[Name] bade farewell to her friends the next morning and made her way to Ijichi's car. She swiftly put her suitcase in the trunk and then slipped into the passenger seat.

[Name] returned the greeting, "Good morning, Ijichi-san." She put on her seatbelt before glancing over at him. "Goodmorning," Ijichi replied, smiling as he turned on the engine. "Are you excited, [L/n]-san?" [Name] nodded in response, "I suppose."


It didn't take them long to reach their destination, Nekoma Metropolitan High School, the site of the training camp. [Name] thanked Ijichi and disembarked, retrieving her belongings before heading toward the buses, presuming that her teammates were gathered there.

She spotted two familiar faces gushing over at a... transmission tower? She deadpans before heading over to Kiyoko and Yachi, who were still getting out of the bus.

[Name] inquired, "Is Shoyo and Kageyama still on their way?""Yes, I'm pretty sure," Kiyoko responded, with a small smile.[Name] acknowledged Kiyoko's response with a hum before making her way over to Nishinoya, who was pushing a tired-looking Tsukkishima around.


"Hey, wait." A tall and muscular young man with messy, spiky black hair said. "Who's that? And aren't you missing a few people?" He continued while pointing to [Name].

"She's the new assistant coach, and Hinata and Kageyama are retaking some tests.." Daichi sighed as they walked together.As they were talking, they heard an ear-piercing scream just ahead of them.

"There.. there's.. not just one but THREE GIRLS?!"the boy with the shaved mohawk exclaimed, his voice cracking mid-sentence. "Now they got a pretty one, cute one and.. ONE THAT HAS BOTH?!" He added as he dropped to his knees in defeat.

Kiyoko stood defensively, her stance protecting Yachi, who stood frozen in shock from the unexpected outburst. [Name] felt her nose scrunch up in distaste as she eyed the bizarre boy. In her head, she thought, 'What a weirdo...'

Tanaka suddenly appeared on the scene, a sly smirk plastering his face. He glanced at the ground before looking up and extending his arms wide in a grand gesture. "You see Tora," he began, "this is what Karasuno's true ability looks like."

"Let's go." Kiyoko whispered to the two girls, which both agreed to go. Leaving Tanaka and the mohawk boy alone.


The Karasuno team had finally settled in, and their belongings had been placed in their designated rooms. [Name] walked into the gym alongside Ukai and Takeda, feeling a sense of anticipation. She wore her tracksuit, and the whistle and clipboard clutched in her hand completed her assistant coach persona.

"Begin stretching and warming up," [Name] instructed, her voice firm but not unkind. The team acknowledged her orders with a nod of agreement before making their way to their respective sides of the court and initiating their stretching routines.

Her gaze fell upon Daichi and the tall black-haired boy she had previously seen talking. With a forced smile, she walked over and gently patted Daichi's back before asking, "Are you going to start warming up, Daichi?"

Caught off guard by her touch, Daichi stumbled over his words before managing to respond. However, before he could continue, Kuroo intervened, his smirk widening as he laid eyes on [Name]. "Oya? What do we have here?" he drawled, his tone dripping with curiosity.

[Name] examined the boy before bowing down respectfully. "[Name], [Last name]. The new assistant coach for Karasuno."

Kuroo smirked, his eyes twinkling with mischief, as he spoke, "No need for formalities, it's a pleasure meeting you, chibi-chan." He winked at her, his playful demeanor evident. [Name] raised an eyebrow, her head tilting slightly at the unexpected nickname.

"Ah.. well it was nice meeting you. Kuroo." Name] said as she reached out and grabbed Daichi's arm, causing him to blush slightly from the gesture. "We'll be off now, best of luck with your games." She didn't give Kuroo a chance to reply, swiftly pulling Daichi back towards the rest of the Karasuno team.

Kuroo watched as she left. He chuckled to himself before heading back to where his team was.


"Great receive, Nishinoya!" [Name] exclaimed, her voice echoing through the gym as Nishinoya managed to save the ball before it touched the ground. Sugawara then received the ball and set it up for Asahi's attack, but their opponents swiftly shut him down. The shrill sound of the whistle pierced the air, signaling the conclusion of the set.

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[Name] let out a sigh, her eyes fixated on the team working on diving drills, led by Daichi. She jotted down a few notes before making her way over to Ukai, but she couldn't shake off an uneasy feeling.

Something seemed amiss. Being someone who trusted her gut instincts, she decided to remain vigilant and watchful for any signs of trouble.


During the ongoing matches, there was a sudden interruption as Hinata and Kageyama burst into the gym. [Name] glanced over and her eyes landed on them, a slight expression of annoyance on her face. "About time you both showed up," she commented, arms crossing across her chest as she expressed her lingering frustration over their team's losing streak so far.

"So the stars are fashionably late?" Kuroo chuckled, his tone dripping with sarcasm."How annoying." The others in the gym turned their attention towards the two latecomers, a mix of curiosity and intrigue on their faces.

"Are these two the first years that caused Nekoma trouble?" one player whispered to his teammate, their voices hushed in quiet conversation. The other responded with a shrug, his expression curious but uncertain. "Not quite sure, man," he replied, his eyebrows furrowed in thought.

Intrigued, [Name] raised an eyebrow as her thoughts shifted. 'Ah, so that's how Daichi and Kuroo are acquainted.' Without wasting any time, she called out to Hinata and Kageyama and instructed them to begin warming up, signaling that they were up to play soon.


The match concluded, with Karasuno emerging victorious by a four-point margin. "Good job everyone." [Name] voiced out as she helps the managers give out towels. "Especially Hinata and Kageyama. You really left an impression. The other teams were left in awe with your quick."

Hinata and Kageyama exclaimed their gratitude in unison, their voices filled with excitement. "THANK YOU, [NAME]!!" [Name] chuckled at their enthusiasm before addressing the entire team.
"Go freshen up and get something to eat now. You all deserve it," she said, a small smile on her face.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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