Why do i have to?

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My name is Arabella Claire Lauder, the only daughter of James Lauder and Lauren Lauder. I have 3 older brothers Aaron the oldest 30 married to Mandy for 5 years in 1 kid , Samuel the middle 28 married to Olivia 3 years in and pregnant with their first, and lastly most annoying Jackson 26 also married to Natalie still 1 year in no kids. I myself am 24 single and not planning to get married, were the Lauder's the top high stats most know mafia family. My mom ex assasin stopped after I was born, my onder brothers right behind my dad I followed my own steps being a spy. Thats because I'm small, quick and good at acting. I've known and gone to many missions with my brothers and their friends like aarons friend Daniel from the Ricciardo family, or george ,Jacksons buddy since they were young know as the Russell's.

My dad knows many people especially close with the Norris's and the Russell's, but I hate that one norris... Lando Norris. I have hated him since we first met I was around 7 then he loves to bully me he's so annoying, I would say he's grown to be Better than he used to be but haven't seen him in ages thank god for that. I was busy way too busy with training and stuff, and since I turned 16 he made me learn about his company, I got the marketing. My brothers too got a part in it too Sam the designer, Aaron the CEO, jack became the developer.

I yawned staring at the roof "Arabella sweetheart" my dad called out "great" I mumbled walking out of my room "yes father?" I clip my hair up "what's wrong" I walked downstairs "we have a party at 5 at the Norris's your brothers are already notified" I huffed "do I have to come really?" I protest "yes, it's a request" I grow "what no it's not" I couldn't finish my sentence "no buts arabel" my father warned "yes father" I had no choice but to comply without any hesitation.  "Father" I paused "will baby Romeo be there?" Romeo is Aaron's little boy "sadly not, Romeo will be sent to our in-laws" I huffed annoyed "what's the point then" I rolled my eye as I walked back to my room "arabel watch the tone" he gave another warning "yes father" I sighed. My whole day has been ruined knowing I have to be there and have a high chance of meeting Lando, I haven't seen him in a decade. I have mixed feelings about this ,  I decided to go to Aaron's place. I got my self ready, on my way grabbing a sadwich, I used the spare key to open the door. "Aaron? Mandy?" I called out as I took off my shoes, I heard a small footsteps running to me "aut bel" a small voice giggled "oh my Romeo" I picked him up "how I missed you" I kiss his chubby little cheeks "my gosh you look like your dad" I walked into the house "you're early" Mandy said as she washed the dishes "I know you're upset" she placed the last dish down and walked to me "no I'm not" I rolled my eye "arabel, I know you don't want to go to that dinner party we all know" I sighed softly "yeah yeah" I sat on the couch letting Romeo run off as I talk to Mandy  "look it's a good opportunity, your dad is in a very close relationship with the norris's, now the two of you have grown up maybe it's time to stop being childish and have a ok relationship" she said I watched as Romeo came back with toys in his hand "I know mand's but it's still hard, I still hate him with my guts" I picked up baby Romeo onto my lap "well yeah but look you're older, you are going to get married to someone you're almost 25 you have one year to find someone to bond with" I rolled my eyes "I hate this but I know father already have me planned with someone, I hate our tradition" I groan "hey look all your brothers hate it too at first now everything is going smoothly, even in in the first few years  it's one hell of a ride" she laughed "without that tradition Romeo wouldn't be here" I look down at Romeo who was happily chewing  on his chew toy on my lap  "also don't tell anyone yet me and Aaron are planning for a 2nd" I gasp as I looked at Mandy "really?? can I name him/her " I grinned "yeah really, we would like a second, and well make that happen" she smiles "man I hope my love life goes well" I huffed "try fixing your relationship with that Norris  you'll have a chance with him" she wink "ugh I wish Russell  is available, but he isn't he already have a girlfriend" I rolled my eyes "but that Norris's boy isn't that bad" she gave a suggestive look "I haven't seen him in a decade, I tried to avoid that Ducebag for years now" I scoffed "trust me you'll take those words back once you see him" I scoffed "yeah right like I would. He is so annoying and plain mean" She just laughed at me "if that's what you want to talk to me about then I say, just go to the party all of us will be there I'm  sure father will make you go whether you like it or not" I groan in defeat "god father can be sooo demanding sometimes"  Mandy  just laughed at me and let me spend some time with Romeo and so I just played with Romeo for a while.

I didn't watch the time but I got a called "yes mama" I answer the phone "where are you Arabel, you need to get ready for tonight" my mom scolded through the phone "Im at Aaron's place right now, ma" I huffed "come home now, no but's" I huffed "I'll be back in 30 mama" I gave in. "Going home?" Mandy walked into the living room "yeah, mama is going to be pissed if I don't get home and get ready like right now"  I picked Romeo up and hand him over to Mandy "you better get going. We too have to get ready and drop of Romeo at my parents" Mandy smiled "bye Rome bye Mandy" I walk out of the living room and to the drive way to meet Aaron "bye Aaron" I waved as I rush into my car "take care, and don't  be reckless " he waved as I pulled out and drove back home. "I'm home" I announced as I walked through the door tossing my keys on the counter "take a shower and get ready" papa said from the living room reading the news "yes papa" I ran upstairs and took a long shower, I called up my best friend  "hey Jules, help me choose the dress for the party" I smile at Jules who is my best friend her mom is my mom's best friend and we used to go to summer camp, we went there every year as she was actually from France so we meet up only when it's school break or during summer camp. Her mom is a very famous assasin from France "heyy, tell me who's party is it?" She grinned "surprise surprise it's the norris's" she gasp "wait you haven't seen him for like what 10 years?" I nodded "uh duh, last saw him in middle school" I shrugged "haven't you heard he changed a lot? Like a lot??" I rolled my eye "sorry not interested" I rolled my eyes as I put on my drop leg holster on and placed in my gun and knife "wear that one black dress" she chirps "which one?" I looked at her "the one with the thigh high slit, and wear your hair half up half down" she grinned. I did what she asked for "oh you should wear your 3 inch black heels you wore to my birthday last year!" She watched as I turned around "you look so pretty" she claps her hands "well ms fashionista I love it" I smile looking at the mirror "you're drop dead gorgeous" she smiles "you know what you did a great job picking my outfit. You should dress me up more often" I joked "I would love that" she excitedly chirp "I would love to dress you up". " ARABELLA" my mom yelled "yes mama coming" I yell back "I'll call you back soon, bye bye" I ended my call and picked my phone up and ran down stairs "let's go were gonna be late" we all got in the car "we won't be late were 30 minutes early mama" I rolled my eyes "stop with that attitude" my dad said shaking his head "you should be happy to see the norris's, it's been 10 years since you last saw Lando" I made a disgusted face "not excited" I mumbled. The whole ride there was just pure silence. I hated every second of it, it means we're approaching the house I really didn't want to be there.

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