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I saw her pull away and finally  speak her mind, the way her voice wobble was so heart wrenching to hear. I have never heard her give a piece of her mind to me, but once she does she ran away. Am i really that bad of a person that she couldn't trust me that she had to run away, I hate the fact that she locked her self up in her room which means she doesn't want to see me. I should've  stayed quiet and not push her too much, I went too far this time i suppose and i really should apologise to her. I should apologise for making her feel unloved that she felt like she couldn't tell me what she wants me to know, I want to let her know how i've always loved her I really want to run to her give her the biggest hug and tell her just how much i love her. But right now she's hurt from my own doing, i will give her her space so she could breathe i know last nights experience must have been scary and traumatising  to her. It shattered  my heart when i saw her all shaking and bleeding like that, i want her to know how much i love her but I'm just afraid she will deny me. Ive know that she was head over heals over Gorge Russell , but over the years i've learned that i know nothing about the new version of Arabella now.

I walked upstairs as i heard her sobs but i really don't have the nerves to knock. Well so close to knocking the door when my phone ring "hello?" i said roughly  as i saw the name of her brother Sam "i found out that someone placed a huge bounty on Bella's head over 10 mil if she was captured 20 if they bring her dead" Sam swallowed hard as he broke it to me. Sam knew how i've had this little crush on Bella he knew ill let the world burn for her if its what she wants me to do. "FUCK" i punched the wall making my knuckle bleed the while wall now stained red "how long do you need to take it down? i can ask my buddy if he could lend us a hand" i pinched the bridge of my nose as i  walked around the kitchen in circles "i need at least  3 more people to take it down as soon as possible "  i grunted "do you know who placed that bounty on the first place?" sam took a moment of silence "you'll be upset" i gritted my teeth "its Margarida Corceiro" my heart dropped at her name "MAGUI? FUCK i knew it" i internally punched myself i should've never gotten near her at all.

"Ill deal with her ill go reach out to my buddies to help you out" i closed the phone and punching  the wall even harder, why am i so cursed fuck i looked at the wall now stained with my blood as even more blood poured down from my knuckles. "Carlos do me a favor i need help with something" i was growing more and more impatience  "Si, what do you need" i gripped my laptop "i need you help Arabell's brother take off the bounty off her head please notify charles and Max, i don't have much time" i heard a grunt from the other end. "i got you" he ended the call, now is my turn to deal with the culprit Margarida Corceiro known as Magui. She was a friend of a friend when i left home to get some experience and i ended up getting to know her, Ive never considered her a good fried she's just a friend but I've know that she had or still has an obsession for me. I've declined her plenty of time but i guess she just cant get the hint that I'm not even interested  one bit.

I texted her a meet up point telling her the time and that we need to talk ASAP i know damn well she wont be alone and i know i cant just leave Arabel alone. As safe as this building is i will never leave her out of my sight, "Samuel" i called as i got ready "yes Mr.Norris" he came within seconds "please keep an eye on Arabel, she's in her room. theres a huge bounty on her head i wouldn't be surprised if people try to sneak in and get her, so please kep an eye on her ill be gone for a few "of course  Mr.Norris" he walked upstairs as i ran down ready for anything. I've ran over multiple red lights as i gripped the wheel so hard that my knuckles turned white. I was raging with anger, the moment i arrived i walked furiously  towards her but of course she brought her men with her.

"I know you put the bounty on Arabella's head" I frowned as I walked towards her "don't say that, I'm doing you a favour" her smile disgust me "what favour" she walked towards me as she spoke "i know you're in love with me darling, she doesn't deserve you" i slapped her hand away as she reached  her hands towards me "you wish, i love Arabel and you will never compare to her" he scoffed and rolled her eyes "Open your eyes lando, i can treat you better baby. I love you" she purred as she happily looked my way "shove off i love nothing more than her" she ginned as she stood inches away from me "does she love you back?" i swallowed  my spit thinking about my choice of words "if she she does or doesn't  it isn't you problem. so this is only your first warning" i gripped her hair not caring how her men aimed their guns towards me "Stay.Away.From.Arabella." i threw her on the floor before getting out of there as fast as possible to go home and go apologise to Arabel about it all about everything and what I've made her feel like for the past few weeks.

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