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The lights turned on and everyone blinked their eyes to adjust to the lightings.

"And that's the end," (Name) said aloud, slumping into Percy's side with a groan.

"Of book 2," Percy murmured.

"Yeah, of book 2," she repeated.

"Okay..." Sirius sighed, placing his chin on his left palm. "That's just wow..."

Remus, James, their close-knit group of friends which included Regulus (with his friends) and Lily (and hers), as well as the enigmatic Blacks, found themselves in a quandary, engaging in hushed conversations as they deliberated over what specific question to pose next, each exchanging knowing glances and subtle nods to convey their thoughts and ideas effectively.

"I'm scared to keep watching," Lily stated as she looked to Harry and (Name).

"As much as I would like to answer questions, I'm quite tired myself," Harry said, causing his friends to nod in agreement.

"Yeah. We'll have some dinner first before we head to bed," Annabeth said.

James moaned as he stood up. "No! You lot promised to answer our questions!" Sirius and many others nodded.

"Uncle, most of your questions we can't really answer anyways," (Name) answered softly. "Maybe only Mr. Weasley's questions, we could answer since it was mostly based on no-maj's items in the future."

"That one I can answer for you," Hermione agreed as she smiled to her father-in-law who returned the smile with much enthusiasm.

"Well, who's hungry," Grover sat up and rubbed his stomach. "Cuz I am."

"Oh, me!" Ron excitedly said, Hermione rolled her eyes at him as usual.

"Alright," (Name) clapped her hands and on the other end of the Great Hall, benches and tables appeared out of a sudden with many food and drinks prepared.

"How are you doing that?" Sirius and his friends turned to the side and stared in shock.

"It's not really my doing. It was actually timed and prepared way before what I've expected," (Name) chuckled a bit with a shrug and stood up. "Welp~ Let's eat dinner everyone!"

She pulled Percy up from the seat and dragged him to the one of the bench and sat there with her other friends following along.

"Oh, wait! Firstly, I need to deal with two annoying people," (Name) waved one of her hand and the tied up Peter and Walburga floated into midair, moving towards her at a fast pace. Once they reached towards her, she snapped her finger and the restrain as well as the two of them dropped to the floor with a loud thud. The two of them got up and glared at the demiwitch who had a brow raised.

"How dare you--!" Walburga started to screech, but (Name) snapped her fingers and the woman's voice was gone. Peter faced his friends and his mouth opened, but his voice was gone too.

"Now, both of you are not going to be fully restrained during your stay here. Besides, you can still follow the other guests back to the given chambers to rest, but you won't have a voice to talk until I allow it as an act of generosity on my part. Furthermore, you will still have the privilege of watching the following movies with us tomorrow and the following days," (Name) declared, her tone unwavering. She then shifted her gaze towards Dumbledore and a select group of Death Eaters, fixing them with a stern glare as her eyes glowed gold. "Let it be known that none of you should feel a false sense of security within these walls. Kindness might be my forte, but only to those who deserved it, and complacency is not something I allow in these premises."

Those who met eye contact with her and Percy shivered and turned away.

"Scary as always Stargirl," Percy smirked at the woman with a smile.

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