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"Yess! I'm so excited!" Barty cheered

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"Yess! I'm so excited!" Barty cheered.

"Thorn Princess! Nice catchy name," Bellatrix smirked.

Everyone sat up from their seat in anticipation on how the demiwitch was going to take down the basilisk and destroy the horcrux.

Deliberately striding towards the imposing figure of the Slytherin statue, Tom extended his left hand, intoning with a mix of reverence and command, "Shearhas-Samnathas-Selithaeine." His voice echoed, resonating with an eerie authority as he spoke the ancient words in Parseltongue, "Speak to me, Slytherin, greatest of the Hogwarts Four."

The room seemed to darken as his hissing words filled the air, wrapping around everyone like invisible tendrils. The uneasy atmosphere thickened, leaving a tangible sense of dread hanging over them.

"Hearing it from Potter was one thing, but hearing it from Voldemort is a completely different experience," Draco commented, capturing the stark contrast and the unease that permeated the air. His voice wavered slightly, betraying his discomfort.

"Yeah, it's like going from a garden snake to a full-blown dragon," Gideon quipped, trying to lighten the mood.

"Except this dragon has a really bad attitude and a worse haircut," Fabian added, earning a few chuckles despite the tension.

The group exchanged uneasy glances, the discomfort palpable within the hushed stillness. The reality of (Name) facing not just any opponent, but Voldemort himself, and the basilisk was sinking in.

"Great, now we have to deal with a basilisk and bad dialogue," Sirius muttered under his breath, causing Remus to stifle a laugh.

"Let's hope his pet snake is as unimpressive as his choice of anagrams," James added, earning a few more laughs and helping to break the tension a bit.

Everyone turned their attention to the towering likeness of Salazar Slytherin just as a deep rumbling shuddered through the chamber. The statue stirred to life, its stone mouth slowly creaking open.

And something was stirring inside the statue's mouth. Something was slithering up from its depths.

"Oh man, it's the basilisk," Percy sighed, not wanting to remember that part of his memory.

"It's bigger than the one you've fought with Frank, Haz and the rest of your other acquaintances, Blue," (Name) reminded her husband.

Percy grimaced, "Thanks for the reminder, (Name). I was really hoping to avoid a sequel."

"Sorry, but sequels are usually worse than the originals," (Name) replied with a half-smile, attempting to keep the mood light despite the impending danger.

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