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Everyone stared at the screen and hummed because they were going to the bookstore in Diagon Alley, but Remus turned to his niece and her wizard friends and asked, "Is there anything going to happen there?"

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Everyone stared at the screen and hummed because they were going to the bookstore in Diagon Alley, but Remus turned to his niece and her wizard friends and asked, "Is there anything going to happen there?"

"A lot of things..." (Name) answered before narrowing her eyes toward the direction of Lucius Malfoy and Gilderoy Lockhart.

This made Percy, Annabeth and the other present generations raise a brow at her vivid words before they turned to the screen and watch.

Previously at The Burrow...

"Oh, so they're showing the what happened to Harry," James hummed before looking at his son with wonder.

"Yeah..." Harry nodded his head with his friends looked at him with anticipation, wondering what did he said to suddenly went missing from the Weasley clan.

Mrs. Weasley woke the children all early the following Wednesday. After a quick half-a-dozen bacon sandwiches each, they pulled on their coats and Mrs. Weasley took a flowerpot off the kitchen mantelpiece and peered inside.

"We're running low, Arthur," she sighed. "We'll have to buy some more today ... ah well, guests first! After you, Harry dear!" And she offered him the flowerpot.

"I doubt he's travelled by floo before female Weasley, especially after her bloody husband's comment on the Potter boy's muggle life two chapters ago," Evan grumbled to his friends before looking at the Weasley woman who was excited to watch herself and her family.

"I know right, what was she thinking," Rabastan replied back with Barty nodding his head in agreement. Regulus listened along too, but didn't really react much since he was excited to see his niece's life only.

Harry stared at them all in confusion.

Ron butts in, "But Harry's never traveled by Floo powder before, mum."

"Floo powder?" Harry repeated with a question.

"Oh, well, you go first, Ron. So that Harry can see how it's done. Yes. In you go. That's it," Mrs. Weasley said as she handed her son the flowerpot.

The youngest male Weasley took a pinch of glittering powder out of the pot, stepped onto the fire and threw it into the flames. The fire turned emerald green and rose higher than Ron who stepped right into it and shouted, "Diagon Alley!"

The boy vanished from sight and Harry's eyes widened in shock as his jaw slacked open sightly.

Giggles surrounded the room as many muggleborns that had not seen this form of transport before have the same reaction.

"Wow... That's so awesome," Tyson gaped at the screen before turning to his brother and sister-in-law to ask. "Do you have that in your house?"

"Of course. We've also installed them at camp too," (Name) said silently, not letting many of the people around them to hear while Percy and Grover nodded in reply.

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