The Ring has many secrets hidden in it

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Lunch break, Uni. Cafetaria.

Y/n was sitting on the corner table with Jennie, while Jungkook was sitting at a table a little distance from Y/n with his friends and Saira.

"Uh.. Y/n?"
Jennie uttered.

"Hmm?" Y/n replied while chewing.
Jennie continued hesitantly,

"If you won't mind then can i ask you a question?"


"What 'hmm', huh? Reply with words, you can't answer my question with 'hmm'."
Y/n raised an brow and gulped her food.

"Please continue, Miss Kim Jennie Ruby Jane... "
Y/n mocked and Jennie rolled her eyes.

"So i wanted to ask... Who gave you this ring?"

Y/n was bewildered by Jennie's sudden question, she bite her lower lip out of perplexion whether she should confess or not while she ran her index finger over the ring and then held it between her thumb and index finger and she decided to spill it out as it will lessened the burden so she said,

"An old friend."
Curiosity engulfed Jennie.

"Who was that friend? Is this ring really meant alot to you?"
Jennie asked immediately out of curiosity.

Y/n hesitantly looked over a particular figure and confessed,

"Yes it means alot to me. And idk about his current or past because we met only once in our childhood, he was my first friend and...
He promised me that we will meet again."

"Then will you meet him?"
Jennie wanted to know Y/n's feelings.

"Yes I already did but maybe he didn't remember me, so I didn't tried."
Disappointment was crystal clear in her tone as she sadly smiled.

"I wonder if he remembers anything about you" Jennie sensed but thought about it further.

Y/n chuckled and said,

"What will he remember about me? My eyes or my age? Because these two were the only things which he knew about me. "

"What? He don't even know your name? "
Jennie said being shocked.

"Yes I told him my age and he said that he liked my eyes and if ever we will meet, he will recognise me by my eyes. "

"How childishly he said that, and he couldn't remember you when you met him." Jennie scoffed.

'Maybe he was childish and I took it seriously, was I stupid?' Y/n thought.

"But when he is so unserious then why are you so serious about him because the way you are keeping this ring with you, it seems like you are some 'Lovesick girl' type."
Jennie wanted to make sure about Y/n' perspective so asked again. Y/n sighed but couldn't control her overflow of emotions which were flooding like a tsunami internally so she confessed without putting further pressure on her mind,

"Because I am. I am in love with him since that day."
Y/n said making Jennie stunned. Jennie was in utter shock. Little did they knew that Jungkook heard this
'Lovesick girl and in love with that boy' thing.

"What? Why--"

Before Jennie could complete her question the bell ranged.

"Oh Jane! You ask too much, leave this topic and let's go for class."
Y/n playfully said.

Y/n cut off Jennie's words.

"Unnie!~ It makes me sad, do you want to see your Y/nie sad, hmm?"
Y/n pouted and made a sad face like a child. Jennie adores Y/n like her little sister even if she is just 6 months older than Y/n, so she can't see Y/n sad.

"No baby, I'm sorry I won't ask again. "
Jennie hugged Y/n so it may comfort her and it did, Y/n needed that hug this time and again Jennie said,

"Let's go now. "
And Y/n happily nodded.

'Oh gosh! That was literally cringe. Ugh! But ik how to convince my Bestie.'
Y/n thought and smiled.

Y/n's pov :-

I was coming back from restroom but someone blocked my way. I looked at him. I was shocked and amused by a sudden arrival but that gaze.....oh gosh, am I being nervous? Yes, but showing my nervousness..... It's not Y/n's thing.

"Do you want anything, Jungkook? "
I asked a little politely as he is my senior also, it's clear that he is my senior because the way he called me 'fresher' was enough to make me realise that he is senior and maybe also had a dominant reputation.

He scoffed and said,
"Let's get straight to the point because I don't want to waste my time on you."

His word stabbed me but I am so tough that I swallowed it. I am not the type who will affect by harshness, but his harshness affects me somehow and I know why.

"Then get on it."
I said sternly.

He clenched his jaws and said,
"I want to see that ring of yours."

I was stunned. Why he wants to see the ring? I can't let him.

"And why?"

Unwillingly she was annoying him, "What 'why'? I want to, that's it! "
He said furiously. How stubborn he is?

"And I don't want to show you. That's it."
I again said sternly wanting him to get pissed and step backward. And he was so pissed now,

"Just let me see, Damn it!"
He ran his hands into his hairs.

I sighed.
"See Jungkook, it's my personal thing so why would I show you?"

This time he sighed out of lack of authority,
"Listen, just let me see once."
He calmly said.

"I will show you one day but not now."
I said in a convincing tone because it's your 'right' but this time is not 'right'.

This time, determination, stubbornness and authority was visible in his next words,
"I will see it when I want to."
He said still calm demeanor.

Ok, so now I am literally annoyed with his senseless stubbornness.

"Try your every best Jeon. Because weather you see it or not, depends on me."
I said boldly, but I think it sounded like a challenge.
I left him and started walking away but I can hear him saying,

"Try me, Kim Y/n."

I sad smile stretched across by my lips.
'I miss how he talked sweetly to me.'
To be continued......

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