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On Saturday, Natalie, Holly, Sophie, all of our mothers, and I went out dress shopping. Our mothers didn't exactly want us to choose a dress for prom all by ourselves so they decided to tag along to make sure we made the right choices. We've been out for maybe three hours now and only Sophie found the dress that she wanted. Right now we were taking a break to get food before we started our search again, our moms sitting on the other side of the food court.

"So guess who's going with me to prom?" Natalie stuffed a fry down her throat and looked at us, waiting for a response.

"Tristan?" Holly suggested.

"Haha." Natalie rolled her eyes. "I haven't talked to Tristan since junior year and you know that."

"Well that's the only person I could think of." Holly shrugged. "After him, you've been single as fuck."

Sophie and I laughed, sipping our sodas.

"Which is why I'm going with our beloved friend Edward."

Holly, Sophie, and I both looked at one another with raised eyebrows.

"Oh relax." Natalie waved off as she stuffed another fry in her mouth. "He didn't have a date, I didn't have a date, so we decided to just go together. Y'know, as friends."

"What's gonna happen when you guys have to slow dance?" Sophie asked with interest.

Nat shrugged. "We'll just slow dance. It's no big deal."

"Do you know most people kiss in the middle of slow dancing?" Holly asked.

"You guys are taking this way out of proportion. Edward and I are not kissing." Natalie took a bite of her burger.

"So what's gonna happen when the both of you are rocking in each others arms," Holly pauses for effect, "and he pulls back to look down at you...your eyes flicker up to his...and you two just stare deeply into each other's souls. What's gonna happen then?"

Sohpie turns to Holly and places a hand on her shoulder. "Honey...please stop reading teen fiction books. It's getting a little out of hand."

We all laughed, except Natalie.

She shut her eyes tightly and groaned, "Y'all just made this ten times harder to deal with. It's gonna be so awkward."

"Just imagine him as someone famous. Like..." I trailed off. "who's your celebrity crush?"

"Um...Harry Styles is pretty hot." Natalie nodded.

"So imagine him to be Harry Styles then." I suggested as I bit into my chicken sandwich.

"You mean when I'm kissing him?" she asked.

I frowned, "I...thought you weren't kissing?"

"We're not," Natalie's cheeks blushed a light red. "I just... I'm...I'm not going."

"What?" Holly, Sophie and I said in unison. "Why not?"

"Because I can't go with Edward." She sighed. "We're like best friends and I don't want one night to cause our friendship to be awkward."

"It'll only be awkward if you make it awkward." Sohpie spoke. "You don't have to go as his date. Go as his friend and when it comes time to slow dance, sit out on it."

"But slow dancing is the best part of prom." Natalie whined.

"Then I don't know what to tell you." Sophie sighed. "You don't want you and Edward's friendship to be awkward but you wanna slow dance. Perhaps you guys should just find someone else. I mean, you still have three weeks."

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