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"I thought you said eight." Justin's voice sounded through my room the minute the door is open. "It's eight-fifteen and you're still not ready."

"That's because I can't find anything to wear." I sighed. It was true. I'd spent almost an hour searching for something to wear, and that's not including the time I showered, blew my hair out, and added little makeup to my face. It's so stressful finding something to wear to a date. The only thing I had on was a bra and a pair of dark denim jeans. I fished through my closet in hopes of finding a decent top.

"We're just going to the movies." Justin shrugged.

"Justin," I turned to face him briefly. "I can't even walk down street to the store without having trouble putting together an outfit." I faced my closet again, digging through the rack of hangered clothes.

"You know," I jumped when I felt Justin's breath skate past my ear. His warm hands gripped my waist and he placed a soft kiss on the back of my neck. "I wouldn't mind you going just like this."

"But I would, so maybe you should back up so I can find a shirt." I laughed, trying desperately to ignore the butterflies that were roaming around in my stomach. I turned around in his arms and smiled briefly before skipping to my dresser, going through the drawers.

"I love feisty Abigail," Justin said as he fell onto my bed.

"I bet you do," I giggled. I stuffed my hands in the drawer and pulled out a navy blue Aztec tank top that I didn't even know I had. Perhaps it would work.

"She's a lot more sexier." Justin said as I slipped into the tank top. I brushed my hair out again and slid on my navy blue Toms, then grabbed my phone.

"Are you ready?" I laughed.

"I've been ready." Justin said as he bounced up and kissed my cheek.

"Alright, all I need to do is get money from my mom then we can roll."


As Justin pulled up in the movie theatre parking lot, we noticed that it was filled with cars and a lot of people waiting at the entrance.

"Oh, fuck," Justin huffed. "We're gonna be waiting for a long time before we can get in."

He parked his car and as we're walking to the front, we get stopped by an employee.

"The theatre's closed guys," he tells us.

"But it's only nine. How is that even possible? Our movie starts in fifteen minutes." Justin retorted.

"Yes I understand that, but there were a few fights that broke out a few minutes ago and we were forced to close the theatre. Most of the kids who were here ran off when we threatened to call the police but these kids refuse to," The employee pointed behind him at the group of teens banging and kicking on the entrance doors. "I'm very sorry for the inconvenience."

"You've got to be kidding me," Justin mumbled. He turned around and began walking in the direction of the car, a very disappointed look on his face. I didn't want to just stay in again tonight and by looking at him, I know he didn't want to either.

I sped up with him and slipped my arm around his waist. "Cold Stone is like ten minutes away from here," I smiled up at him. "Wanna go get some ice cream?"

"Hm," Justin grinned as he placed his arm around my shoulder. "Cold Stone does sound good right now."

"So then let's go!" I squealed dramatically and jogged the rest of the way to the car. Justin laughed at my sudden burst of energy and shook his head as he unlocked the car door, descending into the driver's seat.

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