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"Happy Birthday Abigail!!"

I walk into the art room and stop on my feet as my eyes widen. There was a Happy Birthday banner hanging from the wall and cupcakes and juice on the table while music played in the back. Everyone including Ms. Clarkson was gathered around the small table with huge smiles on their faces. I didn't see this one coming.

"Everyone begged me for a day off to do this for you." Ms. Clarkson smiles.
I let out a giggle and slowly walk in further. "Thanks guys. That's so sweet."

"You're outfit is so cute!" Natalie squealed. "I wonder who picked it out..."

Both of us laugh, leaving everyone else looking confused. As I'm about to sit down Ms. Clarkson stopped me.

"Abigail do you mind going to the culinary class and asking Mr. Fernando for napkins? He's going to be leaving soon."

I nod and leave the classroom.

"Hey," Edward said, startling me. "Sorry I didn't mean to frighten you but, you look great."

"Thanks." I blushed.

"So the big one-eight huh?" He chuckles.

"Yep." I shrug. "I can now legally do what I please without my parents consent." Then we both laugh.

We walk into the culinary class and gather the napkins Ms. Clarkson had asked us to. Well, more like asked me to and headed back.

"So I had fun talking to you last week. Y'know when we went out." Edward says.

"Yeah." I smiled. "Me too." I didn't even know if I had a good time or not I mean, I was barely paying attention.

"Well that's good because I was wondering if you'd let me take you out again.... on Friday."

"Where?" I asked.

"It'll be a surprise."

"Gee, I love surprises." I say sarcastically.

"That's awesome. Now I know you won't be disappointed." He smiled, obviously not catching the sarcasm. He was so happy that I was willing to go out with him again. I liked Edward but, not in that way. I liked him as a friend and nothing more. The question is, how do I tell him that without hurting his feelings?


I opened the front door to my house and stepped inside. Once my eyes land in the family room area, I frown in utter confusion. Why was Justin sitting there talking to Tony? What could they possibly be talking about? Since Tony was sitting in a way where he could see me, he looks up and smiles.

"Hey little sis." He gives me a two finger wave.

Justin turns around and grins at me. "Hey Abs."

Abs? The only person that calls me by that stupid name is Tony. Now I know they may (or may not) have been talking about me. I was hoping they weren't. I wouldn't want Tony filling Justin's head with negative/false stuff about me.

"Um..." I started while slipping my bag from my shoulders. "What're you guys talking about?"

"Nothing." Tony gets up and stretches. "He just got here so we really didn't get time to talk yet. All we know are each other's names right now."
"Like I'm suppose to believe that." I step out of the heels I was wearing and walk past them. "I'm going to change into something more comfortable." I say to no one in particular. Then I jog upstairs and throw on a tanktop and a pair of jeans. I would've wore sweats but, Justin was here.

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