A New Life In The City

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After losing his mother to the hunter, Babar ran away as far away as he could, so far in fact that he was no longer in Africa, but somewhere in France. Boney 10: "Poor Babar, lost and alone after losing his mother to the hunter... has ran off to a new land where no elephant has ever gone before... a place where a lot of humans live... a city..." said Boney 10, before Babar walks up on top of a hill and sees a city on the other side, which was something he has never seen before. Babar: "Whoa... what is this place...?" asked Babar to himself, before he walks down to the city, and begins to explore the new land. While exploring, he finds a lot of what creatures that were carrying people inside them and then drops them off, which are really cars, but he didn't know that. He finds some ice cream on the ground, which was dropped by a kids not too long ago, and Babar tries it out and felt his body shivering from the cold, but it was still tasty. Babar then went to the front of a store, where a box of apples was seen and Babar took one of the apples to try them out. But then the shop owner showed up and shouted at the little elephant, calling him a thief and called out for the police, who came and was holding a gun, which scared the heck out of Babar, believing the cop to be another hunter, so Babar makes a run for it, trying to escape from the cop. After managing to escape from the cop, Babar was now looking for a place to rest for a little bit. In the park, there was an old lady named Madame (voiced by Elizabeth Hanna), was reading a book, when Babar sat on the side of the bench, causing it to lift it's other end into the air, causing Madame to slide down to the little elephant. Babar: "Oh... sorry..." said Babar, before he gets off the bench, which falls back into the place. Madame was a little shaken, but she can tell the young elephant didn't mean any harm. Madame: "That's alright little one, I'm Madame by the way, what's yours?" Babar: "Um... it's Babar... do you know where I am?" Madame: "Well Babar, this is a park, which is in the middle of this city." Babar: "City?, is that what this place is?" Madame: "That's right, but tell me, what brings a little elephant like you here?" Babar: "Um... I used to live in the jungle... but then... I lost my mother and I was forced to run away... now I'm all alone and got nowhere to go..." said Babar sadly, which Madame feel very sorry for the little elephant. Madame: "Oh you poor thing... you know... I wouldn't mind having your company." Babar: "Really?" Madame: "Yes, but if you're going to live in the city with me, you'll need some clothes." Babar: "Clothes?, what are those?" Madame: "Um... they're things you wear to look nice or keep warm when it gets cold." Babar: "So... those things on your body... are they clothes?" Madame: "That's right, but these clothes are for women like me, but there are clothes for boys too." Babar: "Where can I get some?" Madame: "Follow me, I'll show you, and teach you how to get them and all that." Babar: "Thank you Madame." said Babar, before Madame leads Babar to a store, where they got to an elevator, which Babar really enjoyed as he goes up and down while in it. Soon, the pair got to a level that was full of clothes, where the Sales Manager (voiced by Wayne Robson) was surprised to see an elephant in his store. Sales Manager: "Uh... why is there an Elephant here?" Babar: "Hello sir, I'm here to buy some clothes." Madame: "I'm here to pay for him." Sales Manager: "Oh... well I never had an elephant for a customer before... but I'll see what I can do." said the Sales Manager, before he helps Babar find some clothes for him, but the noun of the current clothes were big enough or the right colors that seemed right for him. Babar: "Hmm... I don't see any that look right or big enough..." Madame: "Then we must make some clothes for you." Babar: "You can do that?" Sales Manager: "Of course, I'll get the Tailor." said the Sales Manager, before he gets the Tailor (voiced by Paul Haddad) who was surprised to see that the costumer was a young elephant, but was still willing to help young Babar, before he uses some measuring tape to see what size Babar needs for his outfit. Tailor: "107... he's a really big boy... any particular color you like?" Babar: "Well... Green would be nice, please." Tailor: "Of course, some green coming right up." said the Tailor, before he gets to work on making some clothes for Babar, which was a light green suit, a red bow tie and a bowler hat with some shoes that were custom made too. Madame: "Well Babar, you certainly look like a gentleman now." Babar: "Really?" Madame: "Yes, but you must walk on two instead of four, as everyone does that." Babar: "Sure." said Babar, as he stands up on his back legs, while his front were up in the same positions of the arms of humans. When he looks into a mirror, Babar really loved his new look and standing position too. After thanking the tailor and sales manager for the outfit, Babar left with Madame and begins his life living with her in the city. As time went on, Madame teaches Babar everything she knew about human life, like the laws of the city and help paying others for the things he wanted, like the apple he took from the apple owner, who forgave him for taking the apple. Madame also taught him about tea, and even how to drive a car, which Babar find really amazing. Boney 10: "Yes... Babar was very happy with his new life in the city... but there were times when he thought about his old life in the jungle... but most of all... he sometimes thinks of his mother... which of course makes him very sad..." said Boney 10, as Babar was looking outside through the window, seeing the image of his mother in the night sky, which of course made him shed a tear from his eyes, and Madame does her best to comfort him.

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