The New Elephant King & The New Kingdom

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With the rhino/elephant war ended before it got started, all of the elephants were cheering for Babar for his amazing idea of stopping the rhinos. All Elephants: "Hooray for Babar!, hip hip, hooray!, hip hip, Hooray!, hip hip, hooray!" Arthur: "Yay!" Celeste: "You did it Babar!, you really saved the day!" Babar: "Yeah, I guess I did." Cornelius: "Indeed you have... but now that the war is over, and that the old king is no more, the time has come for us to have a new king." Babar: "Of course, your majesty." Cornelius: "Oh no, I'm not the one who shall be the new king." Babar: "Then who is it?" Cornelius: "Simple... we decided to choose you as our new king." Babar: "What?!, me?" Cornelius: "Of course, you have already shown the qualities of a leader, and it was your idea that lead us to victory... and not only that... you happened to be the old king's grandson." Babar: "Wait... the old king... was my mama's papa?" Cornelius: "Yes... she was meant to tell you when the time would come... but she never got the chance to tell you I guess..." Babar: "No... she was killed by a hunter... which was why I ran away in the first place." Celeste: "And we lost our own mother to the hunter too..." Arthur: "Yeah..." Cornelius: "Indeed... but now is not the time for sadness, for it's the time to celebrate our victory and to have our new king... speaking of which... kneel Babar." said Cornelius, before Babar kneels and removes his bowler hat while Cornelius puts the crown on the young elephant's head. Cornelius: "All hail King Babar, the new king of the elephants!" All: "All hail King Babar!, king of the elephants!" cheered the elephants, as they begin to dance around to celebrate their victory and the beginning of a new era of King Babar's rule. When the next day came, Babar was looking at a lake when Cornelius came over to him. Cornelius: "Ah... a lovely day, isn't it?" Babar: "Yes, there couldn't be a better day to start building it..." Cornelius: "Uh... building what?" Babar: "The city of course." Cornelius: "Oh I see... wait city?, what do you mean city?" Babar: "Well... I sorta missed my life in the city... and I wanted everyone to experience that life... so I've decided that we should build a city for the elephants." Cornelius: "Oh... I see... well... if that's what you want, then so be it." said Cornelius, before he and Babar went to an area where they see a lot of camels coming with lots of building material. Arthur: "What's going on?" Babar: "Well if we're gonna build a city, we'll need materials for it, and I called someone to come live with us in the new city." Cornelius: "Who would that be?" Celeste: "Oh my gosh... look!" called out Celeste, as she sees Madame riding on one of the camels and came down to see the elephants. Madame: "Hello Babar, hello Celeste, hello Arthur." Babar: "Madame!, it's so good to see you." Madame: "Same here, and I'm happy to hear that you've become king of the elephants, that's a fine title for a nice boy like you." Babar: "Thanks." Cornelius: "Hello there." Madame: "Why hello, you must be Cornelius, it's a pleasure to meet you." Cornelius: "Same here with you, and thank you so much for taking of Babar while he was away in the city." Madame: "Of course." that was when a young monkey came to the scene, and his name was Zephir (voiced by Frank Welker) and he was a friend that Madame made while on the way to the jungle. Zephir: "Ooh, ooh, ah, ah!, hello!" Babar: "Why hello there, I'm Babar, what's your name?" Zephir: "Ooh, ooh, ah, ah, Zephir." Madame: "Yes, he's someone I made friends with while on the way here, and apparently he has no family." Babar: "Well he can be a part of ours." Zephir: "Ooh, ooh, ah, ah!, thank you!" Babar: "Now then... it's time to get to work, the time to build the city of the elephants has just begun." said Babar, before the elephants began working on building the city, and during that time, Babar was giving clothes and roles for each elephant that fits them best. Boney 10: "Ah yes... the creation of the city of the elephants has just begun, and the elephants were starting to get roles for it... but the story is far from over, for you see, this was just the prologue for a bigger story..." said Boney 10, before he continues to watch the city of the elephants being built.

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