A Day Of Misfortune

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Just outside of the Elephant city, Boney 10 was watching the elephants practicing with some parade instruments. Boney 10: "As you can see, the elephants are practicing for the upcoming parade that will be set on the day that city will be completed at last, and everyone is doing their best to make it a perfect day." said Boney 10, before the scene moves over to Cornelius using a baton to get the parade elephants play the right notes and all that. Cornelius: "Well done everyone, I'm sure without a doubt that we'll do great on the big parade next week." said Cornelius, before the elephants nodded in agreedment. Of course they weren't alone, for Madame, Arthur, Zephir, and the kids, Tommy, Gidget, Melody, Jokey and Jokeo were there too. Gidget: "Wow... I still can't believe that the elephants managed to build a city..." Tommy: "I know... they don't have hands but they still managed to pull it off." Melody: "Well I guess that shows that elephants and other animals are people too in a way." Jokey: "Like us?" Jokeo: "Well they don't special powers like us, but they are smart." Jokey: "Yeah, especially that nice king of theirs, who was nice enough to let us live with him and family." Melody: "Yeah... but I'm worried about... you know... the Demon trio... they might try something terrible to get us and our souls..." Gidget: "Yeah... but let's not worry about that now, let's just get back to the palace." Madame: "You're right Gidget, it's almost time for the family picnic." Jokey: "Oh boy, that mean lunch." Jokeo: "Uh huh." Arthur: "You two sure love to eat." Jokey: "Yeah, we sure do." Jokeo: "Let's go." said Jokeo, before he and the others begin to head back to the palace, when Zephir noticed what looked like a stick between a pair of rocks. Zephir: "Ooh ooh, ah ah!, oh my!, a stick!, perfect to march with." said Zephir, before he picks it up and begins marching with it. Jokey: "Hey Zephir, nice stick you got there." said Jokey, before the others turned around and see what the monkey was holding and they gasped in shock. Gidget: "Zephir!, Jokey!, get rid of that thing quick!" Zephir: "Ooh ooh, ah ah!, why's that?" Jokey: "Yeah?, it's just a stick." Tommy: "That's not a stick!, that's a cobra!" shouted Tommy, before Zephir and Jokey took another look at the stick, which was revealed to be really a cobra that was pretending to be a stick to trick it's prey. The snake hissed and the monkey gasped in shock before dropping it. Arthur: "Oh no!" cried out Arthur, before Madame runs over to pick up Zephir, just before the cobra jumps up and bites Madame on the arm. Arthur blows his trumpet to scare off the cobra, which worked as the cobra slivers away from the scene. Jokey: "Whoa... that was one mean lizard..." Jokeo: "Um... actually, cobras are snakes, and they're not lizards..." that was when Madame fell to the ground, looking sick. Arthur: "Madame?... oh no..." Gidget: "She's been bitten!" Melody: "Oh no!" Arthur: "Babar!, help!, come quick!, help!" cried out Arthur, before the scene changed to show a room in the elephant city's hospital, where Madame was on a bed and the elephant doctor there was getting help from Melody, who was using her healing powers, to help Madame recover from the snake bite. Babar: "Oh Madame... please be okay..." Zephir: "Ooh ooh... ah ah... this is all my fault... I shouldn't have picked up that snake..." Gidget: "It wasn't your fault... there was no way you could have known it wasn't a stick..." Tommy: "And besides, Melody's with Madame, and my sister has really amazing healing powers... if anyone can help her, it's Melody." Celeste: "That's good to hear... for that we thank you." Tommy: "Of course, it's the least we could do to thank you for letting us have a place to stay with you." suddenly, the sound of a firetruck was heard, and everyone looks out the window to see smoke coming out of one of the huts of the city. Babar: "Now what?!" Jokey: "Must be a fire somewhere..." Babar: "Wait... oh no!, it's Cornelius' house!" gasped Babar, before he runs out of the hospital and tries to get to the house of Cornelius as fast as he can, with Celeste and the others following behind him. By the time they got to the burnt house, they find that Cornelius was still alive, but he was badly hurt as a falling beam struck him while trying to get out of the burning house. Tommy: "Oh no..." Babar: "Cornelius... please be okay..." said Babar, while looking at the knocked out Cornelius and some birds began to sing in a sad way. A little later, Babar, and his family, along with Tommy and his friends, and also Zephir, were next to a lake to have their picnic, but Babar was not in a real happy mood. Celeste: "Babar... you gotta cheer up." Babar: "But I just can't... I mean I just can't stop thinking about poor Madame or poor Cornelius... what else could go wrong today...?" Celeste: "There's nothing you can do, the doctor and Melody are doing their best to help them, and they said that it's gonna take time." Tommy: "And my sister is a really great healer, so I wouldn't worry about them." Babar: "Well... I guess that's reassuring..." Gidget: "Though it means that Melody couldn't be here with us... she was really looking forward for this picnic..." Tommy: "Yeah... but she can't stand seeing others being badly hurt or sick and not do something about it." Jokeo: "Yeah, she's like an angel in a way." Flora: "Like me?, cause mama and papa always said that I'm like an angel." Celeste: "Only cause it's true." Alexander: "Do angels really look like us?" Pom: "I don't think that's what they meant..." Arthur: "Never mind about that, let's just enjoy our picnic and forget our troubles." Zephir: "Ooh ooh, ah ah!, yeah!" so with that, the group begin to have their picnic, and they were all having a good time, even Babar, as he plays tag with some of the kids while Celeste was reading a book. Arthur used his had to capture a pair of frogs, which he brings over to Flora and Pom. Arthur: "Here's an idea, we can have these two frogs race each other." Pom: "Good idea, and I'll bet my frog will be the fastest." Flora: "No way, my frog will be the winner." Pom: "Let's have them race and find out." Gidget: "Well... try not to kiss them, for I doubt they're either a prince or princess." Flora: "Uh... what are you talking about?" Gidget: "Um... never mind... let's just have our little frog race." said Gidget, before Flora and Pom begin their frog race. Unaware to anyone at the moment, the Demon trio were close by and were watching. ScreamClaw: "Hmm... it would seem that the brats have gotten new bodyguards..." ThunderSmacker: "Oh please, as if a superior being like myself could be beaten by a bunch of elephants in clothes." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... but they g-g-got us outnumbered..." ScreamClaw: "Maybe so... but there are ways to get them to do what we say... and I do believe I have an idea..." said ScreamClaw, while looking at the youngest of the elephant triplets, who was unaware of the approaching danger. Before the little elephant knew it, ScreamClaw grabs him and covers his mouth before he could scream for help and pulled him into the bushes. When Celeste turns around to check on her youngest son, she noticed that Alexander was nowhere to be seen. Celeste: "Alexander?, where are you?" asked Celeste, before she begins her search for the little elephant boy. Back with the Demon trio, they flew up into the air and ThunderSmacker was holding Alexander in his claws, until the little elephant bites him. ThunderSmacker: "Ow!" shouted ThunderSmacker, before he drops Alexander, who falls into the water of the lake, which made a big splash that everyone heard. Babar: "What was that?" Gidget: "Oh my gosh!, look!" shouted Gidget, before she points at the little elephant in the middle of the lake. Alexander: "Mama!, papa!, help!" cried out Alexander, which made everyone gasp. Flora: "Alexander!" Arthur: "Oh no!" Zephir: "Ooh ooh, ah ah!, on no!" Pom: "Little brother!" Jokey: "Look up there!" cried out Jokey, before everyone else sees the Demon trio flying above the lake. ScreamClaw: "You idiot!, you dropped him!" ThunderSmacker: "Of course I dropped him!, the little big nosed brat bit me!" SpaceWarp: "Uh oh... g-g-guys... we've been spotted!" gasped SpaceWarp, before the other demons see that the elephants and the others see them now. Tommy: "The Demon trio!" Pom: "Not those guys again!" Gidget: "Oh no!, look in the water!" shouted Gidget, as the others noticed a crocodile swimming towards Alexander. Pom: "Crocodile!" Babar: "No!" Celeste: "Hurry Babar!" said Celeste, before she and Babar jump into the water and swam towards Alexander as fast as they could to save him from the approaching crocodile. Meanwhile, the Demon trio were flying towards the kids, who make a run for it in order to escape from the trio of monsters. But then they bumped into someone that was a human, but not the friendly looking one as he held a gun. Back with Babar, he and Celeste managed to stop the crocodile and saved Alexander just in the nick of time, and takes him back on land. Alexander: "Oh man... so cold..." Celeste: "Are you okay sweetheart?" Alexander: "I... think so... just a little cold..." Babar: "But at least you're safe now... wait... where are the others?" suddenly, a loud gun shot was heard, which made the elephants gasped in shock and they ran over to see what it was. When they found the kids, they see a human that was on the ground, lifeless by the looks of it, and the Demon trio were around them. ScreamClaw: "Your rubber powers might have saved you from that hunter... but it won't save you from us." ThunderSmacker: "It's time for you to pay up, and that's with your souls." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what they said..." that was when Alexander sneezed out a lot of water from his trunk and the water hits the Demon trio, causing them to scream out in pain as steam comes out of their bodies. ScreamClaw: "Ah!, the water!" ThunderSmacker: "The pain!" SpaceWarp: "The c-c-cold!" ScreamClaw: "Retreat!" ordered ScreamClaw, before he and the other demons flew away from the scene, leaving the elephants and the others alone. Tommy: "Wow... thanks Alexander... you saved us..." Alexander: "I did?" Flora: "Yeah, thanks little brother... but are you okay?, that crocodile didn't hurt you, did it?" Alexander: "No... mama and papa saved me just in time..." Pom: "Little brother, what were you doing in the lake in the first place?" Alexander: "It was those dragon jerks, they kidnapped me and dropped me into the water when I bit one of them... um... who's that human over there?, and why is he sleeping?" asked Alexander, before Babar walks over to the human and gasped in shock, before walking backwards a little bit, and so did Celeste and Arthur as it seems. Pom: "Papa?, mama?, uncle Arthur?, what's wrong?" Babar: "... It's him... the hunter..." Celeste: "The one that killed your grandparents... a long time ago..." Arthur: "Yeah... it's him alright... but is he..." asked Arthur, before Babar went to check the man's pulse. Babar: "He's gone... but how?" Jokeo: "That man fired his gun at us, and the bullet hit Tommy." Gidget: "But since Tommy's body is made of rubber, the bullet bounced right back." Jokey: "And the bullet hit the hunter instead..." Tommy: "I... I didn't mean to do that... he was the one who..." Celeste: "It's okay Tommy... we know it was an accident..." Arthur: "Well... at least we won't have to worry about the hunter anymore..." Babar: "So it seems..." that was when a group of ducks came to the scene, carrying what looked like Babar's crown, and brought it over to the elephant king. Alexander: "Hey, the ducks brought Papa's crown back." Babar: "Oh... thank you little ducks." said Babar, before he puts his crown back onto his head.

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