Chapter 5

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???'s POV

It's been over a day now, and Night Fury still hasn't been able to fly out of the cove. He always falls back down, and it worries me. But after a while, he stops to rest, now taking the time to look around the area.

As he does that, I look down at the lake's water. A few fish swim close to the surface, and all I want to do is reach in and grab one.

With one quick motion, I lunge into the shallow end of the lake. Unfortunately, the fish swim away before I can reach them. I let out a sigh and lift myself out of the water. I haven't eaten in a while now, and I'm starting to get hungry.

Looking around to check on Night Fury, I notice he is nowhere in sight. This confuses me, and I start looking for him. He's not near the lake, and he is not trying to fly. Is he hiding?

My ears perk up when I hear footsteps nearby. I immediately hide behind a boulder and carefully peek my head out to see who made the noise.

Just a few feet away from me is the human boy we met a few days ago. And he's holding something in his hands. It's a fish.

I take a step forward upon seeing the food, but I stop when I see Night Fury sneak up on him from behind another boulder.

The boy gasps and stops in his tracks.

Night Fury now stands in front of him, sniffing the air cautiously. He takes a protective stance and growls low enough for the boy to hear.

Despite all of that, the boy gets the courage to extend the fish out to him.

Night Fury calms down a bit and carefully takes a few steps closer to the fish. But once he opens his mouth to take it, he moves back, growls, and lifts his wings up threateningly.

The boy moves his vest to reveal a knife attached to his belt. And when he goes to grab it, Night Fury growls again. Nonetheless, the boy pulls the knife out of his belt, drops it on the floor, and uses his foot to kick it into the lake.

Night Fury watches as the knife splashes into the water, and before I know it, he sits down waiting for the fish.

The boy's actions surprised me, for I thought all humans were dangerous. Maybe this one is not like the rest. This much confidence helped me move out of my hiding spot. The two don't seem to notice me yet, so I quietly sneak my way over.

The boy extends the fish out again, and Night Fury leans forward with his mouth open. I hear the boy mutter something to himself, but that's something I don't understand.

In one quick motion, Night Fury retracts his teeth and snatches the fish. He chews up the fish and swallows it in only a few seconds.

Now standing beside Night Fury, I place my hand on his wing to get his attention. And doing so more than likely got the boy's attention as well.

Night Fury perks up when he realizes my presence and the look of hunger on my face. So he looks back at the boy and approaches him. He sniffs in search of more fish, hoping he has an extra.

The boy backs up until he falls, now leaning against a boulder, saying unknown words to the dragon.

It comes to show that the boy doesn't have another fish. So Night Fury gags out half of the fish in his lap before stepping back.

Night Fury's tail ushers me forward, but I stare at him in confusion. I now look over at the boy, who shares the same expression as me.

We both look at Night Fury, who keeps staring at the boy with anticipation. He huffs before motioning down at the fish and then myself.

Now understanding, the boy holds the fish out to me. And I cautiously step forward before taking it from him. Out of shyness, I run behind Night Fury and eat the fish there.

This leaves Night Fury and the boy to stare at each other for a few seconds. The boy smiles in hopes of gaining his trust. And surprisingly, Night Fury smiles to the best that he can.

I stand to my feet once I finish the food. I peer over to see that the boy is reaching his hand out to Night Fury's face.

But out of instinct, Night Fury growls and flies off to the other side of the lake. And the fact that he left me here with the boy proves to show that he at least has some trust in him.

The boy and I glance at each other, and he gives me a questioning look. And to that, I only shrug before making my way over to Night Fury.

By the time I'm there, Night Fury is already curled up on the ground. He notices me staring and he opens his wings, welcoming me into his embrace. I smile at the gesture and jump into his arms. He covers his wings around the both of us and huffs out a relaxing sigh.

I close my eyes to go to sleep, but I feel Nigh Fury shift around to where he's turning the other way. I look around, curious as to why he did this, and see the boy sitting a few inches away from us.

I don't think much of it and lay my head back down.

I assume the boy being close to us bothers Night Fury. Because without saying anything, he stands to his feet and uses his mouth to grab my tail and drag me away.

We head over to a tree, and Night Fury wraps his arms around me before flying up to one of its large branches. Once he's standing securely on it, he wraps his tail around the branch and hangs us both upside down.

He roars softly to me and closes his eyes.

I smile and snuggle up closer to him, feeling nice and warm as I slowly drift off to sleep.

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