Chapter 6

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Third POV

You would think that a young boy would go back home after encountering a dragon like that. But not Hiccup. He wasn't dropping the opportunity to make new friends.

He stuck around as the Night Fury and half-dragon slept soundly on the tree. And passing the time, he sat on a rock, drawing in the dirt with a stick. the piece of wood slides along the ground, drawing what looks to be the Night Fury.

Hiccup sighs in boredom as he continues with his lazy drawing. And so lost in thought, he doesn't realize someone sneaking up behind him.

Peering over his shoulder is the little half-dragon, curiosity and amazement written all over her face. She looks over at the boy and taps his shoulder to get his attention.

Hiccup is startled by that and jumps a bit. He turns his head and sighs in relief when he realizes it's her. "Oh, it's just you. Hi." He thought it would be good to start up a conversation. That way, he can finally get a chance to speak with her.

The half-dragon tilts her head at him before looking down at the drawing in the dirt. She points at it and then at him.

Hiccup nods. "Yeah, I drew that. It's Toothless." He observes his not-so-great artwork in silence, smiling to himself.


Hiccup's eyes widen as he snaps his head to look at the half-dragon. Hearing those words coming from the girl's mouth surprises him. He never expected her to talk, considering how she doesn't know his language. But despite that, he nods in her direction and says, "Yeah, Toothless. That's the name I gave him." As he says that, he points at the drawing in hopes of helping her understand him.

The half-dragon points at it as well with a confident smile. "Tooless!"

Hiccup chuckles at her cute behavior. "That's close. Toothless. Tooth...less."

She stares back at him as she thinks about his name pronunciation. "Too..TH...less..."

"Yes, you got it," Hiccup says proudly. He then points to himself. "I'm Hiccup."

The Half-dragon takes a moment to hear what he said. And in full concentration, she says, "H...Hiccup."

Hiccup's smile grows and he nods. "That's it! Do you have a name?" he asks this while pointing at her, just so she's not confused with what he's trying to say.

She looks down at his hand in silence. She then looks back at him and shakes her head.

This didn't really surprise Hiccup since he knew she had no other interaction with humans to be given a name. He hums in thought, putting his hand on his chin. "How about I give you one?" Hiccup stares at the Half-dragon as he tries to think of something. "Valkyrie? Does that sound nice?"

The Half-dragon hears the name and tilts her head. "Val..." She stops herself from continuing due to having a difficult time pronouncing it.

Hiccup sighs before saying, "How about Val? It's shorter and easier to say."

The Half-dragon perks up and nods her head with a smile. "Val!" she says happily. She then points at Hiccup and says, "Hiccup!" That's when she also points at the drawing in the dirt. "Toothless!"

Now given a name, the Half-dragon can't help but feel excited. She jumps up and down like a child before running around as she repeats her name over and over again.

As this goes on, Hiccup watches with a warm smile. Something about interacting with Val gives him a sense of relief and purity. No one else has ever wanted to talk or be friends with him, and this girl has changed that for him.

Val eventually comes to a halt and plops down on the grass beside Hiccup. She notices the stick in his hand and points at it with curiosity.

Hiccup looks down at the stick as well. He then offers it to her while asking, "Do you wanna try?"

Val takes the stick from him and places the edge on the ground. Very slowly, she glides the stick along the dirt, making an irregular shape. Her eyes sparkle with amazement, and she points at the shape. She goes back and forth from staring at her drawing to Hiccup, and then her drawing, and then Hiccup.

Hiccup chuckles to himself and nods. "Yeah. Do you know this shape?" Hiccup uses his finger to draw a circle in the dirt. "Circle," he says.

Val tilts her head and looks at the shape. "Circle?"

"Yeah! And this is a square," Hiccup says before drawing the said shape.

"Square!" Val repeats.

Hiccup draws a triangle next. "This is a triangle."

The word seems a little difficult for Val to say, but she still gives it a try. "Tri...angle...triangle."

From off in the distance, the Night Fury hangs on the tree branch fast asleep. But Val and Hiccup's bickering wakes him up. He moves his tail from in front of his face and sees the two sitting down by the lake.

His tail lets go of the branch, and he lands on the ground lightly. Curiosity peaked, the Night Fury approaches. And once he's beside the two, he watches as Val attempts to draw the shapes Hiccup drew.

Val moves the stick carefully. Her shapes are quite similar to Hiccup's, and she smiles proudly because of that.

Both Hiccup and Val notice the Night Fury watching the stick move, but they don't think much of it.

Out of nowhere, the dragon gets an idea and walks away to retrieve a large branch. He rips it off the nearby tree and begins to draw squiggles around him.

Val and Hiccup glance at each other before turning their attention to the Night Fury.

After a minute or so,  the Night Fury sits to the side and nods in satisfaction at his masterpiece. The lines, although quite messy, surround the Half-dragon and the boy.

Hiccup stands up first and walks through the finished product in awe. But his foot steps on the line by accident, causing the Night Fury to growl at him.

Hiccup flinches from how sudden that was, and lifts his foot. He notices that the dragon stopped growling when he did that. So he lowered his foot again.

The Night Fury growls again, but he stops when Hiccup lifts his foot off the line.

Hiccup repeats his action, resulting in the same outcome. Now understanding why the dragon was growling at him, he steps around the lines to get out.

Val stands up and does the same, but instead, she takes it as a game of hopscotch and jumps over the lines.

Hiccup walks around the lines until he feels the Night Fury's presence behind him. He turns around to see the Night Fury staring down at him with curiosity. Standing up close to him, Hiccup extends his hand out to his snout.

The Night Fury turns his snout away and growls softly as a warning.

Hiccup pulls back, but he doesn't want to give up. He turns his face away and reaches out to the dragon again, this time waiting for the dragon to lean into his hand.

The Night Fury stares at his hand before hesitantly leaning his snout into the boy's touch.

To the side, Val watches in surprise. She's never seen the Night Fury act this way toward others, and a smile grows on her face.

Once the Night Fury pulls his face away, he huffs before dashing away from Hiccup.

This leaves Hiccup in a state of surprise and confusion. Nonetheless, he turns his attention to Val and says, "I have to get going now. I'll see you later." He waves at her and leaves.

Val stares at him when he climbs his way out of the cove. Once he's gone, she repeats his waving gesture. She then looks over at the Night Fury, who sits by the tree.

He ushers her over with a soft roar.

The Half-dragon perks up and runs over. The first thing she does is hug the Night Fury happily while saying, "Toothless!"

In confusion, the dragon tilts his head as he stares down at her.

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