Chapter 7

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Val's POV

The next morning came sooner than I thought. Maybe it was because Toothless and I slept for such a long time.

I sit up from the soft grass and stretch my wings out. And after yawning for a few seconds, I look around before my eyes land on the lake.

I stand to my feet and walk over to the body of water. The lake is pretty clear, and I can see some of the little fish swimming around. I don't think much of it, though, and I kneel down to scoop some water into my hands. I splash some water onto my face and shake my head to relieve my tiredness.

From behind me, I hear Toothless yawn as he sits up.

Before I can do anything else, footsteps approach. Walking toward Toothless and I is our human friend, Hiccup. "Hey, Val. Hey, Toothless," he says to us.

What he said must be a greeting of some sort. So I wave my hand and mutter, "Hey."

It is not until then that I notice him carrying a large woven bag over his shoulder. And I smell food in there.

Placing the bag down in front of us, Hiccup says, "I brought breakfast. I hope you two are hungry." He uses his foot to knock the bag over, and a ton of fish spills out.

My eyes widen in surprise and I start grabbing at one. Toothless, on the other hand, sniffs and inspects the pile of fish for a minute.

Hiccup walks around the bag and says, "We've got some salmon, some nice Icelandic cod, and a whole smoked eel."

My ears perk up the moment he says the word "eel," and I back away, still holding a fish in my hands.

Toothless brings his guard up and growls at the yellow and black-striped eel lying on the ground.

Out of confusion, Hiccup reaches into the pile and pulls the eel out.

I quickly hide behind Toothless' wing, and he roars at Hiccup in defense.

"No, no, no, no, no! No, it's okay," Hiccup reassures us before throwing the eel away from us. "Yeah, I don't really like eel much, either."

Those things are disgusting.  I sigh in relief once it's gone, and I start to eat. Toothless does the same.

It's a bit quiet as we eat, and that's when I notice some sort of folded leather in Hiccup's arms. My curiosity gets the best of me, and I watch as he carefully steps over to Toothless' tail.

"And don't mind me," he mutters quietly. "I'll just be back here, minding my own business."

He places the leather material where the missing tail wing is, and Toothless is too busy eating to even notice. As Hiccup tries to bring the leather closer, Toothless moves his tail away. He attempts to do it again, but the tail flicks up.

"It's okay," Hiccup says before holding the tail down. It was a bit of a struggle, but he moves to where he is now sitting on it and facing away from Toothless. It takes a minute or so, and he straps the leather onto Toothless's tail

Toothless stops what he's doing to feel what Hiccup is doing, and he droops his wings down in surprise.

I take the chance to scoot over and see what the leather is supposed to do.

Hiccup opens up the leather to reveal a replica of the other tail wing. He hums in thought before glancing at me. "It looks pretty good, huh?"

I look up at Hiccup before looking back down at the makeshift tail wing in awe. I nod my head with a confident smile.

Hiccup leans back to examine the whole thing. "Yeah, it's not too bad. It works." Right after he said that Toothless takes off flying, leaving him to scream and hold onto his tail for dear life.

I quickly stand to my feet and watch in surprise as Toothless finally flies over the cove. "Wow," I whisper to myself.

Out of nowhere, the leather tail wing starts to close and fold up again, and Toothless falls to the ground. This causes me to gasp in fear.

Fortunately, Hiccup opens the tail wing just in time to save the both of them. Toothless flaps his wings to where he is soaring even higher than before. He then turns back around and dives down to the lake, now flying right above it.

"Yes! Yes! I did it!" I hear Hiccup shout in triumph as he holds the tail wing open.

Toothless glances over in my direction and makes a sharp turn to fly over to me. But his quick motion knocks Hiccup off of him, and he falls into the lake. Because of that, the leather tail wing closes, sending Toothless into the lake as well.

I quickly run to the edge of the water to see if they are both okay. Thankfully, they swim up to the surface.

"Yeah!" Hiccup shouts energetically as he raises his arms in the air.

I laugh at his playful behavior and sit down in relief. At least we can help Toothless fly once again.

Toothless is the first to climb out of the lake, and he shakes any water off of him. He then shuffles over to me lazily and lays down.

I smile and pat his head softly. "Hey, Toothless," I say to him.

Hiccup gets out of the lake and walks over to the bag he brought with him earlier. With a relieved sigh, he picks it up and looks in our direction. "I'll see you two tomorrow. I gotta get ready for dragon training," Hiccup says, whispering the last sentence to himself.

I tilt my head when he says that. I don't know what this "dragon training" is, but it sounds interesting.

"Bye," he says as he walks away.

I wave to him and say "bye" as well.

The moment he's gone, I take a moment to think whether or not I should go and see what he does at dragon training. I wonder if that's where he learns about dragons.

I look down at Toothless, who is now sound asleep beside me. Taking this chance, I carefully stand up and follow after Hiccup.

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