⓷ 『 And Confused 』

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It was already dark by the time Rain reached her dorm. She tapped her student-card to the block beside her door-nob and the light flashed red. Her lips curled inward so that her mouth formed a line, but she was too exhausted to protest, so she calmly inhaled and flipped the thin rectangle of plastic around before attempting once more. Green reflected off of the tired glaze in her eyes and she twisted the handle before pushing her way inside. 

     She snuck into her room, hoping to stay out of the sight of her roommate. As soon as she entered the safe-zone, she flopped into a starfish on her back and stared at the ceiling in contemplation aloft her mattress while her thoughts began to spiral.

     AJ said those notes weren't mine, and AJ doesn't lie. But if those notes were hers, then that means she must have written my name on her notes. But why? I have nothing to do with Health and Wellness class!!!

     The one thing that Rain hated even more than not knowing the answer to her intrinsic wonderings, was not knowing why she herself cared as much as she did about something so stupidly insignificant. 

     "I know I'm not as smart as Tiana, but I feel like this is something I should be able to figure out..." she whispered aloud to herself. 

     Rain's tired eyelids dragged themselves open as she struggled to perceive the cloud-clock above her bed. 


     "It's still EVENING?" Rain yawned. But a contrasting surge of energy tickled her brain as she re-analyzed the ticking spectacle. "It's only evening!" she repeated with increasing fervidity. That meant it wouldn't be too late to be sending messages!

     Rain had found trouble in the past to stifle the impulse to text her friends the second a related thought crossed her mind, regardless of the ridiculous time of night. She snickered to herself as she recalled that one time she woke up Tiana for a FaceTime and asked if she could calculate the percentage of shots she had scored in her tournament for her. The nerdy girl's hair was sticking up in every direction and her glare spoke of death.  

     She wanted to message AJ and finish her conversation about that dumb, irritant of a note. She had to. She grasped the device in her shaky palms and began typing: 'Hey dummy, you never answered me about the note--' but decided against sending it, and quickly deleted the words letter by letter. I can't send that! She'll think I'm obsessed or something, she thought. I need to be cool. It needs to be about something different... Something totally unrelated...

    Finally, she cooked up a phrase much more to her satisfaction, and settled on sending: 

'Yo AJ, u know that test we have next tues? I'm missing one of my notes on it, can I see urs?'

     The next half-hour stretched on to feel like countless centuries. Rain's eagerness for a response caused her to start pacing restlessly around her small room until the swoop text-tone whipped the young jock's face back into the glowing brick. 

     AJ had responded with a simple, 

'Since when do you start studying for tests a week early?' 

     Rain facepalmed and fell back onto her pale-cyan bedsheets. AJ was right, that was a dumb move. Now the farm-girl was sure to be onto her. 

     The laughing emoji's to follow from AJ lightened the load slightly, and Rain's thumbs moved quicker than her thoughts, 'Yeah, haha, forgot it was Tuesday today too, lol'

    'Clearly,' AJ teased.

    Another text from the farmer followed before Rain had even gotten the chance to respond: 

'Are ya doin anythin tmo?' 

     'Why?' Rain quizzed curiously, hunching her shoulders and leaning into the device so that the bright luminescence overtook her face against the surrounding dark. 

    'Am I not allowed to wanna see my friend after school? Ya always have practice and whatnot, I gotta make time for you, too, loser.'

    Rain's face flushed as she buried the glowing brick in her palms. She then groaned in annoyance at her own lame reaction to the text and replied, 

'You know you could just say I'm the best and you want to be around me cause I'm so cool, I won't judge'

    'You wish' was AJ's taunting reply. 

     Rain smiled idiotically and dropped her phone to the side of her bed before hiding beneath the covers and fidgeting restlessly for the next few hours until sleep eventually overtook her thoughts.

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