⓽ 『 Awake 』

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An arduous thrum pulsed at Rain's cranium and a soreness crept along her back and arms. Her legs though...her legs hurt the most. She tried to ignore the ache that anguished her thighs and crawled down to her toes, but the discomfort was far from disregardable. 

     Her clammy eyelids peeled open slowly to an incandescent, artificial lighting which flickered irritatingly from rods of yellow that dangled above her. As Rain turned to observe her surroundings, she winced at the stinging sensation that challenged her movements.

     The blurry sights and sounds washed away into a clearer picture--a picture which left Rainbow even more queasy than she already was. The lights buzzed in unison with the rumbling air-duct overhead. Rain eased into the pain as she--more slowly this time--turned to perceive the setting. Beside her, to her right, was a single window with smooth white roll-up blinds. The window-sill was littered with vibrant pink balloons--courtesy of Piper, obviously--about three sets of different flowers, and numerous cards propped up so that their covers faced in her direction. 

     The inside of Rain's chest coiled with distress as she began to wonder how long she had been there--thoughts which were hastily amassed with added concerns such as: 

     'Where's AJ?', 'Is she okay? ' ,'Did I miss my game?'

     To her left, was a pale, pastel-blue curtain attached to a curved rod behind a pole covered in bagged fluids. Her troubled gaze followed the stream which ran through the thin tubes into her left forelimb's vein, stuck in the bend of her arm. It was just then that she noticed, her arms were hardly even perceptible at all. Both of them were covered all the way up to her shoulders in a thick, off-white bandage. 

     She began searching around the rest of her body, feeling another headband of the gauze-material around her forehead with her fingers and then lifting the covers to see a cast around her right leg, and another bandage around her left. 

     Geez, that bad? I can't really need all this stuff, can I?

     Rain checked for some kind of calling device or phone to contact one of the nurses, but emerged unsuccessful at the task. She soon came to realize that sitting in that hospital bed for even one single hour easily topped the boredom-levels of even Mr. Don's prolonged lectures. She attempted to seep into the comfort of another nap so that she might awake to something more interesting, but found no luck. 

     Being restless while having to contend with  the discouraging limitations of various physical wounds and medical equipment was certainly not the easiest feat for Rain. She could sprint tireless laps around the track or hustle through three games straight--but this? This was unbearable. 

     The young brunette groaned with defiance and face-palmed, only to be met with yet another scathing pain. "OWWW, Jeez..." 

     Another hour passed. Then another. Was nobody going to come see her today? What was going on?!

     Then suddenly, the curtains ruffled before a nurse garbed in that same pale blue appeared. 

     "Oh my, I didn't expect you to be awake--I'm glad to see it though. You've been asleep for quite a time...But you're looking much livelier now, that's for sure," his voice was soft like Fae's, but calculative like Tiana's. A pastel-yellow mask enveloped his words in a bit of a yielding muffle.

     "Is AJ here?" Rain responded immediately with eager questioning, "...was anyone else hurt?"

     The doctor calmly grasped one of the fluid baggies next to Rain's bed. He began twisting nobs and exchanging out the various liquids with fresh ones. "Not to worry, Rain, your friend is fine. She's got some tough lungs that one! She stayed the night at the hospital just to ensure all was well, and she was fine to go home the following morning, not a thing wrong--would you believe it?!" 

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