⓵⓽ 『 Daisies 』

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The blinding gleam of the suns cascading rays bled through the curtains of Dashie's window, pealing her from her afternoon nap. As sprightly as she was in most instances, the athlete enclasped herself in the solace of a snooze with an equal care to her daylight dynamism. She bowled herself deeper beneath the depths of her sheets for several minutes before she eventually surrendered to wakefulness. 

     Today, she and Fae had planned to meet one another for a cozy stroll through Everfree Creek. Not necessarily Rainbow's idea of a thrilling escapade, but she knew it made her friend happy, so she obliged upon acknowledging her own free time. Besides, if she had gotten this over and done with, she'd be the one calling the shots for their next adventure (and her selection would surely blow the mild tolerability of this day out of the water). 

     The brunette languidly flayed her frame from the coziness of her mattress and limped to the bathroom. The shelf designated for Gilda's supplies and toiletries was shockingly barren, contrasting heavily against its usual disastrous density of items.  

     She must be almost fully packed by now, thought Rain as she plopped herself to the toilet, did her business, washed her hands, and took some seconds to freshen herself up to a degree that was barely justifiable enough to leave the building if not for her closeness with Fae. 

     If it weren't for the presence of her crutches against the doorframe, Rain would've undoubtedly forgotten them again. She was getting so used to--against Dr. Horse's instructions--hobbling around the place without them, that she had almost opted to purposefully leave them behind. Why should she still have to use them anyways? Sure, it was still uncomfortable attempting to manage without them, but it had to have been long enough by now to escape her dependance on the damn things.

     Rain decisively disregarded the obnoxious walking sticks and grasped the handle to her door, but her self-dependance was obstructed by an imagined manifestation of AJ's heckling. 'Ya need to be more careful,' Rain envisioned the stubborn cowgirl scolding. The athlete never really believed in the possibility of another misfortunate accident happening to occur as a result of her not bringing the metal armpit-canes. But, Just in case, she reasoned, or I'd never hear the end of it. 

     The brunette released a huff and sprawled her arms over the crutches as she headed out the door. 

     Neither Rain or Fae had acquired their driver's license, so they both met up and took the bus. They hopped through it's rear doors once they arrived at the street closest to the trail which led to their desired destination, Fae murmuring a hushed "Thank you, sir," to the bus driver as they departed. 

     "I'm so excited," Fae beamed as they strode along the crosswalk and disappeared down a sudden path of gravel shaded by a large umbrella of multifarious trees. Rain acknowledged her friends enthusiasm with a grin of her own.

     "I hope you don't mind," Fae continued, and when Dash casted her a faintly addled look, she elaborated, "...you know, uhm, because of your leg and all. We can sit down when we get there if you want." As the pair followed the bend aloft a rocky escarpment which winded beside a steep ditch, Fae's pupils glued to Dash's feet with worry. 

     This was one of the many reasons Rain hated existing in this state. Even this far in her healing, her abilities were belittled to that of an impotent toddler.

     "No, it's fine," the athlete declared, "I like being up on my feet, you know that," she hinted a reference to her own hyperactivity, to which the taller, dulcet lass seemed to relax at. "Yeah, I know. Sorry Rain," replied Fae with an apologetic simper. 

     The path winded down into steadier ground, rockier traces of earth transforming into a denser, humid soil flecked with canny plantations. The sunlight dotted through the gamp of leaves above them, reminding Rain of her gratitude for the warmer weather this afternoon. Fae was evidently in awe at the viridescent world around her. 

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