⓵⓪ 『 Breakfast 』

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It was 6:00 in the morning when Dr. Horse first welcomed himself into the still-injured athlete's room the following sunrise. Prior to her stay at C.H., Rain had never realized just how early hospitals sprung to life. Just when she had benumbed herself to that stale hospice melody of beeps, air-conditioning, hurried foot-steps and humming lights, the brunette had (surprisingly) managed to re-welcome slumber for a short span of time. Well, after six-and-a-half hours of indulging in Daring Do, of course. 

     If it wasn't for Rain's ADHD, she'd have finished the book that night--but a significant bulk of her reading was spent deconstructing the text or forcing forward elaborate visualizations in order to spice up the extravagant tale even more. Even still, only about a fourth of the story remained, making her wish more than ever that these wounds of hers would get ahold of themselves and heal already. Luckily, Daring Do was keeping Rain from shattering the rightmost window and diving through--But whenever it was that she would end up completing it, she wasn't sure how she was going to cope. 

     Dash mourned over the assassination to the perfectly-peaceful dimness which blanketed her room only seconds before the nurse rolled the blanche blinds open so that luminous rays could rive their way through. As much as she thrived in her wakefulness, the hyperactive lass priced her snoozes with lofty regard as well.

     "Really?" she groaned, rubbing away her fatigue with a weak fist to the eyes. 

     The doctor paused and snuck an attentive look over his shoulder before replying, "Very sorry Miss Rain. I was just about to run some more blood tests on you and I didn't want to startle you awake, so I figured this might help." A smile imprinted upon his maw as he strode back over to his portable set up of varied medical supplies and tools--If it were more polychromatic and vibrant, Rain might've even compared the wheely contraption to one of Piper's party carts. 

     She stared at the ceiling listlessly as Dr. Horse exchanged her fluids once more, drew forth his needle, and collected vials of the scarlet substance from her free arm, scrunching away some of her bandage for a good vein. 

     Rain was never one to be fearful around needles, which was something--like many other things--she had been abnormally proud about for as long she could remember. However, she had a feeling this routine would come to get real old, real fast while she stayed here at C.H.--especially if it encroached upon her valued slumber like this. 

     "Didn't you just do this yesterday?" she pressed. Dr. Horse released a soft chuckle before replying, "Yes, but those were injections. And we will be taking blood-samples every morning just to track your progress and ensure all is well." He reorganized his haul before proceeding, "Breakfast will be served in about an hour. Could I get you anything else before I go?" 

     Dash lit up at the reminder of her and her friends planned engagement to come. "No, thanks. And tell them to hold off on the breakfast here, that base is already covered," she announced and earned another laugh from the doc in response before he nodded and dismissed himself. 

     The brunette spent the two next hours wrapping up Daring Do--exclaiming, "Wow," once she flipped the book closed. She was shocked when a gleeful reaction emanated from her left, "Is it really that good Rainy-Rain? Maybe I need to start picking up action-stories too!" Piper leaned in with an evident lack of spacial awareness, causing Dash to recoil with consternation. She set a palm to Pie's forehead and slowly steered her back, warning, "Piper..." 

     Notably unbothered, the poofy-haired girl bounced back another step, yawping, "Oops! Right. Personal space. Sorry Rain!" 

    "It's fine Piper," Rainbow tittered, "It's really good, I'm bummed it's finished now though." The young athlete was stoked to see Piper here--though she expressed it with little words--but wondered where the rest of her crew was. She decided against asking, however, when Tiana and Rachel breached the curtain with cordial smiles moments later. 

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