⓶⓶ 『 Paper Tears 』

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The note. 

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I have to be honest with you.

You've been pissing me off. But not in the way you usually do. 

I've tried to move on a hundred times over. But I can't. So just to give myself some peace of mind, I'll do the one thing I know I can't fail at: Telling the truth. 

And if I can't say it, I'll write it. 

I know this isn't really our sort of thing, but it's worth a try, and I'm ready.

Will you let me take you on a date to Everfree?



(Ps. Yes, that kind of date. I'll bring cider ♡ ˙ᵕ˙)

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     Rain read it once. And then again. Thrice. 

     Rain read the note until she could practically recite it like some ritualistic, ceremonial speech. 

     And yet with each read, the words made less sense. 

     Initially, the page within her grasp sang a familiar, candied flitter into her chest, as if Dashie could augment and soar atop it across the globe at AJ's side. But soon thereafter, the contradictions of her current circumstance weighed down on the paper like an assemblage of rocks. 

     As the athlete's heart accelerated from an unpretentious melody to an anarchic drum, the characters collapsed and jumbled with its rapid rhythm until there existed no more itinerary; until the phraseology was no longer coherent, but reduced only to an optic screening of her incredulity. 

     "But AJ told me..." Rain croaked through her disorientation. 

     "Ah told you what?" AJ sounded intimidated. Angry? Dashie couldn't tell. "What is that?" she tested. 

     The brunette endured her own frigidity, remaining still as she continued to study the note. Then, reluctantly, she turned to view AJ's confounded expression. The cowgirl's emerald orbs flickered with an evident perceived perfidy, sparking above her eye-bags (which were swollen from a much-anticipated hangover). Rain had never seen someone this taxed become so quickly enlivened with revelation. She couldn't tell whether AJ was about to pass out or scream. She held up the note to face the blonde before her, shielding her own visage behind its snow. 

     AJ inhaled through a half-shaky breath, and delivered a drawn out sigh, blinking slowly with apprehension. 

     "Ya snooped through my bag?" AJ reproached coldly. Rain began lowering her hands, but in seconds, the cowgirl had covered the space between them and seized the wrinkly sheet from her grasp before bending down to retrieve her knapsack, gracelessly shoving the paper inside. 

     "I didn't!" countered Rain, "I didn't go in your bag. But are we just not gonna talk about--"

     "Don't lie to me Dash!" the blonde interrupted. Hurt glazed her eyes as she glared daggers into the shorter lass. Rainbow retreated a single pace, jarred by AJ's aversiveness. Her face twisted in frustration, mirroring the pique in her friend's viridescent blaze. She held her ground as she repeated, "I did not." 

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