the path

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Jay walked next to Cole down the path, talking the whole way. Cole sighed annoyed by his best friend, "you could set a record you know?"" "hmm?" Jay hummed confused "i mean you can talk for hours and not run out of things to say" Cole grumbled "well get used to it since i'm not stopping!" Jay said happily as he grinned "idiot" 

Jay gasped dramatically at the insult "i feel so insulted! how dare you!" he said sarcastically closing his eyes. "deal with it" Cole shot back, "damm man" Jay said grinning. the two walked down the path but as they did Cole noticed the light getting dimmer and dimmer "uh Jay, the light is getting weaker" Cole said tapping Jay on the shoulder "huh, what now?" "you mean you don't know how to- i dont know! make it come back?!" "excuse me! i'm new at this! i didn't even know i could do this!" "so.. we are stuck. in the middle of nowhere, without a place to stay?" "that about sums it up" Jay shrugged "this is just our luck" Cole muttered as he started running his fingers through his hair to concentrate. 

Jay looked at Cole for a moment before grabbing onto a tree and making his way up, He had just reached the top when Cole saw him "Jay. what are you doing?" "getting a better view of where we are" Jay called down "you better not fall you idiot!" Cole yelled a bit worried. "i'll be fine!" Jay yelled back as he nervously pulled himself up, "woah" Jay breathed out as he saw what lay. before him, the sky was darkening and the sun was setting but the clouds were a light tint of pink orange and red. the full moon was far above, the evening breeze was nice and cool as it played with Jay's hair softly, he felt himself giggle and smile. "see anything?" Cole yelled out Jay was pushed out of his admiration and back to the real world, he scanned the area but saw nothing "Nope!" he yelled down "well get down here! we need to find shelter!" "alrigh!" Jay said as he made his way down, around the middle his foot slipped and he lost his footing, "gha!" he yelled out gripping onto a a branch "Jay?" Cole said running over "sh!t" Jay muttered trying to find a place to stand on "um, i have a minor problem here hehe" Jay said grinning "what now?" 

you're strong enough to catch me right?" "yeah- wait.. why?" "get ready!" Jay said looking at the drop. "what do you mean get ready?!" "1!" "JAY?!" "2!" "JAY WHAT THE HELL-" Jay leaped off the branch, he felt the cold air whip around him as he fell. a second later he felt arms wrap around him, he opened one eye and peeked up  he let out a yelp of surprise as he saw a rocky face with glowing eyes "relax dumbass it's me" said the thing holding Jay "Cole?" Jay said uncertainly "yeah it's me motor mouth" he said gently lowering Jay down, when he did the rocks fell off of him and he was back to normal. "woah! that was so cool! how did you even do that?" Jay asked practically jumping up and down 

"well that's a long story, and if we don't find shelter soon we'l be sleeping on rocks" why would we be sleeping on you?" Jay said tilting his head "no you idiot! literal rocks!" Cole said hitting  Jay on the head "ow! ok ok sorry!" Jay yelped rubbing his head. "let's go find some place to stay the night at" Cole said looking around, "could maybe you make one?" "huh?" "y'know, use your elemental power to make a cave or something?" Jay suggested "huh, that could work, give me a minute, maybe try and fins some sticks to make fire?" Cole said "you got it bolder brain!" jay said finger gunning Cole as he ran off to find wood. Cole sighed and got to work as he tried to concentrate on moving the earth to his will, "after a while Cole had made a decent and stable cave. "Jay?" he called out "yeah?!" Jay said poking his head around a bush "you got wood?" "yup! i was just setting the last bit of it down!" Jay said smiling as he sat the wood down "nice" Cole sat down next to Jay, he watched as Jay tried unsuccessfully to start a fire. "why does this have to be so hard??" Jay grumbled 

hmm i guess he just got used to not doing this since Kai always just used his elemental power Cole thought as he watched Jay struggle. "y'know you could help me right?" Jay muttered "oh right" Cole said as he bent down to help. he grabbed two stones and struck them together until slowly they managed a spark "ah!" Jay said clapping his hands together as he saw a small flame. "there" Cole said sitting back down "that feels nice!" Jay said putting his hands out to feel the warmth of the fire in front of him, "so... do you mind if i ask a personal question?" Cole said awkwardly staring at the ground beneath him "no i don't mind!" Jay said, a smile on his face. "so uh, ho w did you get to... the place you called administration?" Jay face froze, he sat there a smile on his face but his eyes spaced out "Jay?..." Cole said putting a hand on his best friends shoulder "this is gonna sound weird but i don't actually know" he said braking free from the trance. he grinned and shrugged, Cole felt his face go from worried to shock, "you.. don't know?" he said his voice still surprised "eh... y-yeah" Jay stuttered. "so- you never wondered or asked???!" Cole said "i mean of course i wondered! but i had no one to ask! i couldn't have just walked up to somebody and said: hey! do you have any idea how a made it here? i don't have any memory of how i got here or where i came from!" Jay said covering his face "i guess..."

what happened to his memories?

hello!! i hope you enjoy this chapter! i tried to make this one longer than normal since i am probably gonna be posting more on the weekend since my school like to dump a ton of homework and work on students :D but i'll make more of an effort to get longer chapters out!

have a good day, night or afternoon! <3


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