Chapter One

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The duo quickly got the unknown girl to the medical bay of the TARDIS.

The Time Lord set everything up and started running scans to see if the unconscious girl was injured and the blonde human took note of the odd clothes she was wearing, she was wearing brown robes but beneath that you couldn't see what else she was wearing.

'Now please alert me when you have the results of the scans' he silently requested from the TARDIS. He received a hum in response "We should leave her to rest, the TARDIS will alert me when the scans are finished."

"Do you think she'll be alright?" The blonde asked the Time Lord, she may not know who the woman was but she was concerned about her.

"I'm not sure yet, Rose but hopefully she will be." The two made their way away from the medical bay leaving Maia to rest.

Once the scans were completed the TARDIS alerted the Doctor but she wouldn't let him see the results of one particular scan which was the one that stated that she was part Time Lord. She wanted to speak with her newest passenger first, "Well physically the scans are showing nothing out of the ordinary so that seems to be good but anything else will have to wait until she wakes up and can answer questions." though he was confused as to why one scan was redacted for the most part.

Rose nodded at the answer. She was very curious about this girl and where she came from.

The blonde had wandered back into the medical bay and just sat with the unconscious girl not wanting her to wake up in an unfamiliar place completely alone. She had been sitting there reading a book for maybe 15 minutes when Maia gasped and shot up letting out panicked breaths muttering "Ani.." over and over again.

Rose knew that the girl was panicking slightly and so she approached slowly making no quick movements, she spoke softly as well, "hey... it's okay your safe here." Though the blonde did wonder who the Ani that she kept mentioning was but didn't ask to avoid making the girl panic more... "you're okay, I'm not going to hurt you..."

Maia slowed her breathing down a little realizing that she was not in danger at this current moment but still her heart broke slightly at the look she saw on Anakin's face as she disappeared. "I'm Rose." The blonde that Maia had noticed was speaking a few minutes ago said "what's your name?"

"Maia." The dark haired girl answered... she went the safe route and didn't mention her last name just in case these people may know her uncle or mother by hearing the name "where am I?"

"The medical bay of my friend's ship, you appeared out of nowhere in front of us as we were about to enter the ship and then passed out... I am going to go and get him... let him know you're awake I'll be back in a few minutes okay?"

Maia nodded and the blonde left, the dark haired girl sat cross legged in the hospital bed and closed her eyes meditating slightly she had never tried using the force to reach out to Anakin when they were in different places, like when they both were not on Coruscant before but she hoped that it would work... She needed him to know that she would come back for him no matter what it took.

Anakin Skywalker may be The Chosen One but Maia Kenobi was what kept him grounded, she was the light that pushed away the darkness that had tried to consume him. Maia was the reason that he hadn't been swayed to the Dark Side. But if he ever lost her there would be no going back for him.

She reached out, "Ani?" The bond the two shared was the sole reason that they could communicate like this through the force.

The Doctor and Rose entered the room while Maia was meditating. Both watched her wondering what she was doing, but something told them not to interrupt her... like a guy feeling.

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