Chapter Six

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My plane landed in Singapore as per schedule at half past nine. By the time it came to a complete stop and me getting through immigrations and retrieving my bags and getting some alcohol for my uncle at the duty free, it was almost ten thirty before I went to queue for the taxi. Initially I had planned to take the public bus home but I am so tired now so I decided to just splurge a little and get home in comfort.

First thing I checked my phone was for his messages, but there was nothing from him. I wonder if he was still busy at work.. I know those events stuff can end like really late, now is the time probably packing up. But this time, I decided to drop him a message first. He can reply me if he wants to, or if he's free.

Me : Landed safely, now in the taxi heading home 😊

I also texted in our girls' group chat to let them know I'm back.

Immediately a text came in. I grinned with excitement thinking it's from Ken. But it wasn't.

Esme : Welcome back! Are you happy to be back? LOL

I chuckled.

Me : Not at all! I wished I had stayed the weekend 😭

Actually, maybe not. I might be really bored since he had left.. At the start without him, I was fine by myself. But after he spent that one day with me, it was like, it was so lonely without him. So I guess it might not be a bad thing to be home.

Esme : We told you so!

Me : Ya ya, I know

Me : When are we next meeting up? I want to give you all your presents! I bought things for May and Clare too.

Esme : Aww.. so sweet of you lol

Esme : It depends on Jas' schedule.. I think she's on night shift whole of this month

Me : She always get this graveyard shift

Esme : But she likes it

Me : She's a weirdo

Jas : I'm not a weirdo ok 😒

Me : Haha - you are up!

Me : How come you can reply?

Jas : My phone kept brrrring in my pocket with all your messages... irritating!

Esme : I thought you always leave it in your locker?

Jas : Yes but recently you know, my grandpa's health is not very good, so, my mom told me to keep my phone with me on standby

Her grandfather has been fighting with lung cancer for the last one year and recently had took a turn for the worst. The family members all know that the day is drawing near and they've been preparing their hearts. Jasmine is not particularly close to her grandpa but close enough. I have never met her grandpa before though..

After such a heavy conversation, it is hard to continue on..

Me : Let us know when you can meet up

She didn't reply after a while, guess she's back to work. Esme did not say anything further too, she's probably off to bed or something. She goes to bed early unlije me. But then again she wakes up early too, for her kids. I really admire her, for all her motherhood efforts and sacrifices. I don't think I can even perform half as good as her.

My mom was already asleep when I got home. Uncle too. This uncle as we calles him, is not related to me by blood. He's my mom's boyfriend after my dad passed away years ago. He has been a pillar of support to my mom so my sister and I were deeply thankful to him. My sister is six years younger than me and a total opposite of me, she's a social butterfly. At this time, on a weekend, she's usually out with her friends. Or boyfriend. She got a new boyfriend recently.

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