Chapter Nineteen

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When I woke up, he was long gone. But he made breakfast for me.

"My dear, have a good breakfast before you start your day." He had written a note beside the plate. Aww so sweet. I kept the note in my purse.

He had made me toast, and omelette and sausages and put them all in a warmer. It was still warm despite hours had passed. I woke up at almost nine. Three hours ago probably.

I ate the breakfast, washed up the dishes, then went to shower and change. Even though he said he won't come into this bathroom, I don't feel comfortable hanging my bras. I kept all the dirty clothes in a bag, planning to go to the laundromat maybe on Friday.

I left around ten and took the metro to the Forbidden City zone one. His place was not near the metro. I had to walk nearly fifteen minutes to the nearest metro.

By the time I got there, it was nearly noon. And there was a snaking queue. I was surprised. I thought people might be off for lunch instead. I joined the queue. It moved quite fast actually. I just got through when he called me.

"Are you at the Forbidden City already?" His background was very quiet, like he was in a cubicle pod or something.

"Ya, just arrived. Thanks for the breakfast. It was delicious."

"It's my pleasure. You should get a guidebook otherwise you won't be able to fully appreciate the place."

"Okay.. are you having a break now?"

"Just ten minutes for the sound engineers to sound check. I got to go soon. If you exit out the other end of the Forbidden City, there's a very good hot pot place you can try."

"Okay. " I chuckled. "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine."

"Okay.. I'm not sure what time I'll finish tonight.. so if you are tired don't wait up for me."

"Oh.. okay.."

"Have fun, and be careful. Especially pickpockets, there's plenty of them there."

"Okay." And then he hung up.

I spent the entire afternoon at Forbidden City. It was so big.

Then I saw this place call Nanluoguxiang just about thirty minutes walk away. This place has the reputation of being one the oldest hutongs in Beijing. This street is now a favorite shopping, bar and restaurant street for tourists and expats, and some of the stores and restaurants are owned or staffed by expats. It sounded interesting.

I ended up taking an hour to get there and it turned dusk. I got lost because the navigation guide suddenly lost direction and I went the wrong way but luckily I still made it there. And coming at night was a great idea because of all the lights. It was lively and crowded with both locals and tourists especially at the shops selling food. I was starting to feel hungry too. I joined one queue to get a bun. It seemed to be a popular shop, well known online.

There was a little lake, or maybe pond, where people gathered, sat around and the kids playing. There was this cute adorable toddler with such chubby rosy cheeks that you feel like pinching. Then he fell down and howled like a monster.

I took my time, shopping and sightseeing, picking up souvenirs. There were some very pretty hankies and hairclips for Esme's girls, a bag for my mom which I think she might like, and a hand woven leather wrist band which I wonder if JC might like.. I bought it anyway.

After that on second thought I went back to buy another one, for myself so that I can match him, a couple wrist band, would it be too childish..?

I walked until I lost track of time and the shops were starting to close as I hear shutters. Luckily there was a metro station just nearby. Everybody was heading there.

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