Chapter Forty-eight

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Within twenty-four hours, I've booked an air ticket back home - they were just having a promotion for the weekend; informed my bosses that I'm going home; informed my landlord I'm leaving and she came down to return my deposit; packed my bags; said goodbyes to Eva and Sammi and, left a message to Zhu-jie and JC, in a way. 

I wrote, "I've decided to go home for the time-being until things die down. I know this is a tad last minute but it's also about time that my one year contract in Shanghai comes to an end. My Singapore office also needs me back for a few months. This number will no longer be valid twenty four hours from now." I didn't mention that his company rep had visited me and told me to leave. I didn't give details of my flight. And of course there's no need to mention that I've been evacuated from my apartment. It's no big deal, my going home. 

Jia Zheng offered to drive me to the airport on Sunday. He was not working that day. 

I did not received any text from Zhu-jie nor JC. I'm not sure if they saw my message either. But I didn't see it being read. 

The mob was still gathered at the door of the apartment building. Well, good riddance. Anyway I'm gone. I'm sure the management can't wait to tell them that I no longer lives here. I wonder how long they will take to believe it. 

At the airport, I still kept my mask on. I don't want any trouble. 

To my surprise, before I leave, Jia Zheng gave me a good goodbye hug. 

"This is not goodbye forever," he said. "Keep in contact okay?"

"Of course!" I chuckled. 

"You must call me when you come back to Shanghai."

"For sure!" I promised. 

When we pulled apart, he looked at me, with a gaze I cannot fathom, like as if he has something to say to me yet deliberately holding back. But I didn't probe. If he wants to say, he will. In the end he didn't so I left it as it is. I waved to him as I walked through the gate. 

About one year ago, I came to Shanghai all excited and looking forward. I was looking forward to grow my relationship with JC. Yet after one year, nothing's changed. I don't feel our relationship has any change. It didn't make us closer. I'm only glad it didn't pull us apart. Perhaps we are one weird couple.. distance will keep our relationship stronger. I will miss him but for sure it only makes the next meeting more desirable and looking forward to, and I look forward to it. 

I walked through the transit area, and to my boarding holding area, waiting. It will be another hour before my plane takes off. I can't really say I'm looking forward to return, but perhaps, I do miss the food, haha. There's nothing like a nice plate of chicken rice or a bowl of laksa, and a nice cup of teh-O-siu-dai-peng! (Tea without milk less sugar plus ice..) 

* * * 

I landed in Singapore at nine-forty pm. Before I even step out of the plane, I could feel the heat from the outside. Darn, the weather in Shanghai had been so nice and comfortable. I've forgotten how humid it is here. I'm already sweating. 

I took a taxi and reached home almost eleven. My mom was already in bed, only uncle was awake. I had called before I flew and told them not to lock the door, or at least, wait for me, otherwise I'll be locked out of the house! 

I thanked Uncle for waiting up for me before he went to bed too. He and my mom are early bed-goers. 

It felt weird to be back home. My bedroom now feels so small compared to my little apartment in Shanghai. And again the weather was killing me. 

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