Part 3

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  Chapter 003

  When she left the company and returned to the apartment, it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

  Because of the contract, Qin Yu Jue didn't eat anything today.

  The refrigerator at home is empty, except for a pack of instant noodles in the cupboard.

  While the water was boiling, assistant Tang Xiao Tang made a phone call.

  "Sister Yu, I heard from Sister He that you and that Mr. Isn't the young master handsome?"

  Tang Xiao Tang recently went to the hospital for an appendix surgery and took a week off. She has not returned to work yet.

  "Correction," Qin Yu Jue blew her nails, turned on the electric kettle, and said in a straight tone, "They are fake boyfriends and girlfriends."

  "I understand the love contract!"

     Tang Xiao Tang's emotions were high. "Look, this means that you must be special to Second Young Master Xie. He is willing to spend money to maintain this false relationship with you. It must be It's love at first sight and he can't let go."

  As she spoke, she began to worry again: "But does anyone think that Second Young Master Xie is supporting you?"

  "That's right."

     Qin Yu Jue nodded, "But let me remind you -"


  Qin Yu Jue smiled and said word by word: "I am Party A, and it is I who spend money to maintain this false relationship. In other words, even if it is a support, it is still me who supports Xie Yan Chi."


  "And have you ever seen any custodian shop where the custodian raised the price?"


  "I've seen him, Xie Yan Chi, and he actually thinks he's worth 30 million to me."

  After hanging up the phone, the water in the kettle was just about to boil.

  Qin Yu Jue skillfully tore open the instant noodles package, put only one-third of the oil package in, poured in hot water, and closed the lid.

  A few drops of scalding water splashed on the back of the hand, burning a small piece of skin red.

  She frowned slightly, but held back her voice. She just quickly turned on the faucet and put it under it to take a shower.

  The pain gradually disappeared and the noodles were almost soaked.

  Qin Yu Jue walked to the living room with the noodle bucket, sat down on the sofa, turned on the TV, then took a chopstick of noodles and put it in her mouth.

  The screen happened to be a movie channel of a local station.

    The host introduced a video in a formal tone: "This video is taken from the movie "The Blue and White Case".

  Qin Jie Li at that time relied on this With one movie, she won the title of Best Actress in one fell swoop and became the youngest Best Actress in China so far."

  "It's a pity that maybe life is like a play. The movie queen Qin Jie Li also died young like the protagonist in the movie. Maybe this is to use your life to make a movie——"


  Qin Yu Jue raised her hand and pressed the remote control, and the picture on the TV screen went out.

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