Part 39

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Chapter 039

However, instead of announcing the punishment directly, the director showed that the staff had brought in a glass box filled with small pieces of paper folded into hearts.

"Because there are not enough ingredients in the villa, we have to go to the city at the foot of the mountain this afternoon to buy ingredients. In addition to shopping, each group of couples has to send a representative to draw today's love task. "

The city at the foot of the mountain is a well-known entertainment area, which includes many playgrounds and entertainment facilities, and a lot of foot traffic.

And since the love task, the difficulty will naturally not be as great as it was just now.

Sheng Xiang Qing, who looked "finally relieved", raised her hand and pulled it first, she closed her eyes for a long time, and finally took out a small heart, and then opened it under the expectant gaze of everyone, and read out the content on it: "Go to a private theater with your partner and watch the designated film "Silent Valley". "

"Valley of Silence" is Xiao Ran's masterpiece.

A very good movie, but alas, it's a horror movie.

Then, she was silent for a moment, and then angrily threw away the small piece of paper in her hand: "I don't believe it! The program team, you must be full of such scary tasks! "

Director: "To be honest, it's not that we're targeting you, it's really scary. "

In fact, the program team is also very helpless.

Originally, it was envisaged that when couples watch horror movies, the woman will definitely be afraid to hide in the man's arms, and this scene is very sweet to think about.

But they didn't expect to be drawn by these two cowards.

The rest imagined the picture.

Eighty percent of the time will be a sad scene of two people hugging their heads and crying.

Sheng Xiang Qing protested seriously: "Impossible, your program team must be deliberately doing something!"

While speaking, Zheng Qian Yi drew a heart card, and then unfolded: "Go to the wedding dress shop with your lover to choose a wedding dress, and take wedding photos to relive the warm time."

It sounded like a very warm task, which made Sheng Xiang Qing quiet for an instant, but she still stubbornly didn't believe that she was black: "It must be Sister Qian Yi's luck."

However, Xu Shu Yin didn't give her hope, and read out the content she drawn: "Go to the amusement park with your partner to experience entertainment, and give each other gifts on the Ferris wheel."

Sheng Xiang Qing was desperate, and shrunk on the sofa as languished as a frosted eggplant.

Chen Zi Jian raised his hand in protest: "I think as Sheng Xiang Qing's boyfriend, I should also have a chance to smoke once!"

Under the soft grinding and hard bubbles of the piano key couple, the director finally relented and gave the two of them a chance to redraw.

And yet—

"Experience a tandem bungee jump."

The unlucky couple looked at each other, unconvinced, poured out all the hearts in the glass box and opened them one by one, and finally confirmed that among the nearly fifty options, only the two of them drew the most difficult.

Then, the two of them collapsed on the sofa like salted fish: "Let's go to the movies."

At least it sounds safer.

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