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Chapter 025

The secret room team was just beginning to show some hope, but when they saw the wall behind the door, they suddenly became depressed.

It's still the routine of the program team, and they've been busy for more than 20 minutes, and finally found the password lock, but it's just a trick.

"Forget it, maybe this secret room is just playing with us. We're going to look up there and see if there's any other exit. "

Shang Zi Chen said this, turned around and prepared to go up.

Others chimed in.

"yes, maybe the key clue is upstairs."

Qin Yu Jue didn't follow them.

Because it stands to reason that it is impossible for the program team to specially arrange a room to tease the guests.

She thought so, glancing at the dilapidated cabinet more.

Inside the cabinet was a line of letters, and an iron rod.

The role of the word has been figured out, but what is the use of that inexplicable stick?

Qin Yu Jue picked up the stick and observed it carefully.

It was bare, with no inscription on it, and no special mechanism, but it was so heavy that it was solid.

... That's weird.

Xu Shu Yin was also about to go up with the large army, but when she saw Qin Yu Jue stopping, she said casually: "Otherwise, bring this stick, it may be for us to defend ourselves."


Qin Yu Jue definitely felt that it would not be.

The secret room is full of staff, and if you really hold a solid iron rod for self-defense, one of them may have an accident if you are not careful.

Thinking so, she carefully read the line engraved on the cabinet door again—

"Ghosts like to be in enclosed dark places"

When the lights were turned off, it was indeed dark.

But what does closure mean?

Qin Yu Jue thought about it, turned her head and looked at the mirror next to her.

The lights weren't turned on at the moment, only a faint light coming in from the upstairs room.

There was a rustling sound on the other side of the mirror, and then suddenly a face came up, and the staff who pretended to be ghosts grinned with great difficulty.


If you play too much, you will get tired of it.

But the staff seemed to want to prove their acting skills, as if they were bound to scare her, and continued to make expressions without giving up.

Qin Yu Jue sighed and pretended to turn her head.

The "ghost" finally deflated, and seemed to be preparing to go back in disgrace.

However, at this time, Qin Yu Jue raised her hand suddenly, and her palm slapped heavily on the mirror.

The "ghost" didn't react, and was startled by the sound.

[Hahahaha, actually scaring ghosts in a haunted house. 】

[It's too much, it's too much. Would you like to be a little respectful of other people's professions? 】

[I died laughing, how could Qin Yu Jue be so capable, even if she couldn't be scared, she would scare others. 】

Looking at the "ghost's" devastated and depressed expression, Qin Yu Jue's mood finally became happy.

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