Part 56

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Chapter 056

It didn't take long for the filming of the Qing Yu case to come to an end temporarily.

Qin Yu Jue's schedule is very full, and after leaving the crew, she kept recording magazines and promotional videos, as well as variety show conferences.

But the first thing she did when she returned to Tongcheng was to go to a dinner appointment.

It was Xie He Chen's dinner.

Although she had no intention of learning about Xie Yan Chi's family affairs, she also knew that Xie He Chen and Xie Yan Chi were on opposite sides.

So that day, when Xie He Chen added her friend and made an invitation, Qin Yu Jue's refusal had already been edited.

But he used one, a rhetoric she couldn't refuse—

"Miss Qin, after returning to China, I learned that the Xie family broke off the cooperation with the Zhou family, and also gave up a contract that was crucial to the Xie family. Thinking about it, this matter should have something to do with you, so I can only take the liberty of disturbing it. "

"Although the Zhou family is not enough to threaten the Xie family, it is undoubtedly a huge loss for my second brother. Now that the other party intends to mend the relationship, please also ask Miss Qin to look at the face of the second brother and make it convenient for me. "

On the other end of the phone, the man's voice was humble and gentle, and the politeness and demeanor were just right, without the slightest uncomfortable tone.

Zhou, Zhou Yan.

Without thinking about it, she knew that what Xie He Chen said was not a lie.

Xie Yan Chi never talked about it to himself, he had offended the entire Zhou family at the expense of himself, and he also stiffened the relationship to such a point.

It was just a phone call, and Qin Yu Jue already understood in her heart that Xie He Chen was indeed a powerful person as rumored.

He is very good at exploiting people's psychology.

It was expected that she would not be able to refuse the request.

It was expected that she would not be able to accept it with peace of mind, Xie Yan Chi caused such a big trouble and he suffered so many losses for her.

"Okay." Qin Yu Jue said.

So she went to the appointment.

The place of the dinner is "Yunshuijian", a hotel with the highest per capita consumption in Tong City.

There was already an assistant waiting at the door, and as soon as Qin Yu Jue arrived, he was led upstairs.

When she reached the floor, she hadn't taken a few steps before the assistant beside her stopped, and then bent down respectfully: "Young Master Xie."

Qin Yu Jue raised her head and met the man's face.

It was a face that had no resemblance to Xie Yan Chi, with narrow eyes, narrow but wrinkled double eyelids, thin lips pursed, but the corners of the lips had a modest smile.

He looks personable and has a gentle temperament, like a gentle and restrained man.

Xie He Chen stretched out his hand: "First meeting, Miss Qin."

Qin Yu Jue hesitated and shook back: "I have admired the name for a long time."

The two walked side by side in the direction of the room, and Xie He Chen's voice was warm: "Inviting Miss Qin to come this time is purely my selfishness. The second brother is no different from my biological brother, although I understand Miss Qin's suffering, but as an elder brother, I still don't want my younger brother to have too hard life in the future. "

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