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 Chapter 008

  Recalling this experience, Qin Yu Jue couldn't express her emotions.

    She took a deep breath, and then asked extremely seriously: "So you still hold grudges until now just because I punished you by writing a three thousand-word self-criticism?"


    Xie Yan Chi leaned down, stretched out a hand to touch her lips, and said with a smile, "It's three thousand five hundred words."


  It's a real dog.

  The old squad leader, who was holding a pen and preparing to hand it to Qin Yu Jue for her signature, looked at the interaction between the two people in front of him.

    The hand passing the pen froze in the air, and for a moment he didn't know whether he should interrupt.

  After a long time, he coughed with difficulty: "Xiao Qin, it's your turn to sign."

  Qin Yu Jue reacted, quickly took a step back, turned around, picked up the pen, signed her name neatly, and then turned and walked in the direction of the other group of people.

  It seems necessary to keep the distance to the end.

  Xie Yan Chi didn't chase her, but stood up slowly, putting his pockets in his pocket and looking at her hastily leaving with a smile.

  The old squad leader put his arm around his shoulder, winked and said, "What's wrong with you two?"


     Xie Yan Chi turned his head, curled his lips, and said slowly, "Think about it, it's quite expensive to ask for secrets from me."

  The old squad leader quickly put down his hand: "Forget it, let's go in and see the old squad leader."

  The head teacher's health has mostly recovered, but because of his age, after chatting with these students for a while, his energy began to fail.

  There weren't many people he could remember clearly, but Qin Yu Jue was definitely the most impressive one.

  "When you left, I was always worried."

     The head teacher sighed, and his voice was not as energetic as it was ten years ago.

     "You are the most worry-free child I have ever taken care of. Now that I see you  that you have become a little star, and I finally feel relieved."

  Qin Yu Jue didn't say much.

      She bent her eyes and followed the teacher's words with a smile: "Yes, those things are in the past."

  When Xie Yan Chi heard this, he still lazily drooped his eyelids without even moving his eyelashes.

  After chatting about miscellaneous things for a long time, the monitor said: "Okay, let's let the teacher rest and see you next time."

  A group of people said goodbye and walked out.

  At this moment, the head teacher who was lying on the bed suddenly shouted: "Xiao Chi, please stay a little longer."

  Xie Yan Chi didn't seem too surprised when he was suddenly called on.

    He nodded calmly, and then waved to the classmates beside him, signaling them to go out first.

  After a while, they were the only two people left in the room.

  Xie Yan Chi walked to the teacher's bed, pulled out the chair and sat down, saying in a deep voice, "Teacher."

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