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Chapter 015

When Xie Yan Chi said this, he leaned a little closer.

As soon as she raises her eyes, she can bump into those eyes with a teasing smile, and the narrow tips of the eyes are curved, as if the throbbing emotions suddenly crash into the bottom of people's hearts.

His voice was very low, and his tail note was a little hoarse.

The air was full of ambiguity.

"Otherwise, let's be cheesy."

Qin Yu Jue turned her head slightly, trying to struggle.

Xie Yan Chi laughed and asked her, "So shy, what should I do when I am on the show?"

Qin Yu Jue didn't look at Xie Yan Chi's direction, biting her lower lip, and still resisting violently in her heart.

Those two words are really too hard to say.

But Xie Yan Chi was not letting go of teasing her, he lowered his head, and his voice was a little bewitching: "Shout brother, I'll help you."


After all, the camera is still facing the two of them, and if they continue to rub it off like this, she is afraid the filming progress will have to be delayed for a long time.

After experiencing a violent inner struggle, Qin Yu Jue took a deep breath, put on an expression of a strong man going to death, and said a syllable with difficulty: "Brother..."

Then, she couldn't shout anymore.

Qin Yu Jue took a deep breath and had to give up: "Forget it, otherwise—"

However, before she could say a word, she felt a hand on her waist and held it tightly.

The temperature of the air seems to rise sharply in an instant, with an ambiguous and charming atmosphere.

"I won't tease you."

Xie Yan Chi laughed, held the back of her head with his other hand, and said, "Look up."

Qin Yu Jue subconsciously raised her head when she heard this.

Immediately after, she felt that the force in Xie Yan Chi's hand was a little heavier, and then the whole person was suddenly pushed forward and close to his chest.

Because of the height difference, Xie Yan Chi specially leaned down and pressed against her forehead, his eyes were full of small and lazy smiles.

When he looked at her, it was all soft and soft, but it seemed to have some encroachment.

Qin Yu Jue finally reacted, and before she could speak, Xie Yan Chi interrupted.


He asked, with a smile and a playful tone, "Why are your ears red?"


Damn male vixen.

The photographer seized the opportunity, and after several consecutive shots, he finally felt satisfied, so he shouted to stop.

When Qin Yu Jue shouted to stop, she jumped three feet away quickly, quickly moved away from Xie Yan Chi next to him, and walked behind the camera to look at the photos.

The corners of Xie Yan Chi's lips curled slightly, and he casually raised his hand to rub his hair, and then picked up the coat on the side and put it on his body.

The photographer admired his work and teased, "Doesn't that feel good? Why can't you let go just now, the two of them look like a good match. "

Speaking of this, he half-jokingly gossiped casually: "So do you have any plans for further development in the future?"

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