Part 49

497 10 3

Chapter 049

Why is this man here?

Qin Yu Jue braked suddenly, stopped her steps, stared at Xie Yan Chi in front of her, and didn't react to what the situation was.

She doubted that she was still in a dream, and she couldn't believe her eyes.

Is this a living Xie Yan Chi ?

As if to see her thoughts, Xie Yan Chi got out of the car sideways, walked up to her slowly, handed over the coffee, and teased: "I haven't seen you for so long, and you don't even say hello to your boyfriend?"

It seems to be alive Xie Yan Chi .

She wasn't dreaming.

The two have not met again since the filming of that promotional video ended.

Because of the popularity of variety shows, Xie Yan Chi's game popularity has increased to a new level, and the influx of a large number of female users has driven dramatic economic benefits.

In just half a month, it has been in the news several times because of the fact that the daily sales and the number of online games have broken the previous records of similar online games.

Jing Yi Technology has also recently planned to play gacha games for women, so during this time, the company has more business.

Qin Yu Jue took the cup of coffee and asked vigilantly, "What are you doing here?"

Xie Yan Chi said slowly: "Come to work. "

God works.


Qin Yu Jue looked incredulous, "What are you doing in the crew, do you want to do it on the spot?"

Xie Yan Chi touched his chin and playfully spit out two words: "Guess? "

Guess the.

There's a bit of nonchalance in this kind of laziness, a "I'm kidding you" tone.

That's for sure.

This man definitely didn't have a good intention to come here.

She reminds her of today's scene between Lin Zhu Yu and himself.

...... Qin Yu Jue suddenly woke up.

He must have come to stir things up.

It's the same as the last time she made a promotional video with Song Jing Yun.

Thinking about it like this, Qin Yu Jue felt a little sorry for the supreme VIP drag brother.

" Xie Yan Chi ."

She opened her mouth to warn, "I warn you, if you disturb my filming today, I'll—"

"What's that?"

Xie Yan Chi smiled angrily, leaned over and looked into her eyes, "It's quite fierce."

The two are very close.

Qin Yu Jue could clearly see his long eyelashes, as well as those shallow eyes with a light but gentle smile.

She tilted her head, biting her lower lip, her cheeks burning.

"Boss! The makeup artist has sorted it out, you can go-"

As soon as Tang Xiao Tang walked over, she was caught off guard by this picture.

She covered her mouth, held back her shock, and after being shocked and frightened in her heart for a long time, she was ready to retreat quietly: "If Mr. Xie comes, I won't bother you."

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