chapter four

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"No one to break the balls...."

Blade's head snapped into Caelus and Daniel Heng's direction, the two bench mates seated in the same position: one elbow on the desk, the other supporting their heads and their faces displaying a relaxed and contemplating face. What the fuck?! he thought, brushing the thought aside as soon as Y/N entered the classroom, his gaze following her figure as she made her way to her own seat, pulling her notebooks out on her desk.

She didn't even bother looking his way. At all. What is it with her?

He decided to investigate so he got up and left for the bathroom. once he was finished, he came back in the classroom. Damn, the teacher is late, he thought to himself as he watched Y/N talking to some boy Blade didn't remember the name of. Although they were not in an official relationship, Blade still felt a little jealous seeing Y/N talk to that NPC.

Suddenly he felt anger, not only was that NPC so close to Y/N, but he also seemed to touch her in some ways classmates shouldn't touch eachother. Y/N looked nervous and she was trying her best to decline that boy, but he seemed like his intention was not to give up. Blade wasted no time and went besides Y/N's desk, putting his hand on the girl's shoulder and shooting a glare the boy's way. "Is this man bothering you, my love?" somehow, Blade knew he was feared by most of the guys, so everytime it was official he had a new girlfriend, everyone was afraid to even look his girl's way. Y/N was not his girlfriend (yet), but it wouldn't hurt scaring some people off.

The girl got startled for a second but seeing Blade and feeling his touch, she calmed down a little, shaky hand reaching to touch his hand that was on her shoulder. "Y-yes, don't worry, I'm fine... Blade..." she blushed as she felt Blade's hand moving her chin up to look at him and carressing her face with his thumb. His eyes looked genuine and soft and Y/N felt like blade was actually not faking it... she brushed the thought aside as he grabbed that NPC by his collar and shot him a glare, slowly pushing him aside.

The glare Blade shot that guy read 'don't talk to my girl ever again' and the boy got scared, rushing to his classroom. Y/N, now raised to her feet, watched as the guy left and then she went straightly for Blade's waist, hugging him tight and burrying her head in his chest, taking in his scent. "Thank you..." she whispered, feeling some tears forming at the corners of her eyes.

Blade was stunned. He was actually confused by the hug, not that he didn't enjoy it but because it felt as if she was waiting for him to 'rescue' her. As he swallowed a gulp in his throat, his hands gripped her tight, hugging her small form in his big arms, his head burried in her hair. "I love you..." he said; said, not whispered, Y/N's eyes growing as big as onions at his words but she brushed it off as soon as she figured out it was part of the scene.

The rest of the class was silent until Blade let those three words out of his mouth. At the sound of that, they all gasped and cheered, some even leaving out some wow's or aww's out of pure shock because, in all of those years, they have never heard Blade utter out those three words to a girl he was with before. Never.

Of course, what they missed was that, even if his face was hidden in Y/N's face, small tears were pouring out of his eyes...

Because he has just confessed his love for the first time.

a/n: right so, next chapter will have blade's situation explained. i will give you guys a lil spoiler because im so happy when i see that 1 (one) person voting every new chapter i post of this story: this is actually a soulmates au story >:)

bye bye for now >:D

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