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"the way y'all fall for anything..." jing yuan was very disappointed with the way daniel heng and caelus fell for some random student's 'announcement'. this announcement in question was about a certain party held this saturday at a certain someone's (jing yuan's) place, containing information about weed being sold there.

"oh, c'mon JY! you know how much we love the grass!" caelus exclaimed, daniel heng approving him.

"all the available things to smoke at that party will only be cigarettes and vapes... NO WEED!" JY was so tired of these two that he raised his voice, a very very rare sight to see.

you see, 'JY' was known to be the most calm and collected kid ever. some people were caliming that's mostly because his parents were out of town and he had time for himself to fuck around with anybody, anywhere and anytime. that was true but the calm tag he had has been around ever since he was a baby. he was also known as the richest among the other students, which again, was true, hence the frequent parties.

"b-but JY..."
"no buts. see you." jing yuan left to attend to his class. he was already tired, but these two were like a headache to him.

entering the classroom his sharp eyes noticed a new figure. a girl. his next bed-mate perhaps? she looked good, nice body, nice hair, nice and cute face. too innocent for him? maybe. he never had such girls before so why not giving it a try? so he took a seat besides her since it was not occupied yet.

"hi, im jing yuan. my dumb friends call me JY tho, but you may call me however your heart desires. you're new, haven't seen you around here before." he said to the girl, pulling out his seducing look, his girl-magnet, as he always claimed to have when asked by other boys how he pulls so many girls. truly crazy...

"nice to meet you, im Y/N (an underworld doctor. feeling sick?) and yeah, i am indeed new." the girl replied, smiling at him back (not her seducing, boy-magnet look tho, like a certain someone we know).

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