Kingdom of Achlys

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Chapter 8

(Sofia POV)

I was trying to come up with some sort of plan to escape but he seemed prepared for anything. Any cracks or holes in the walls were filled with vines so me using my amulet to shrink wouldn't work. The same can be applied to my ability to turn into animals. Any other power my amulet has given me would not work in getting me out of this room and even if I did get out of the room I had no idea how to get out of the castle. There was no windows, the hallways were a maze, I don't even know how we got into the castle. I heard a key turn in the lock and I moved to the far side of the room hoping it wasn't Prince Cole. A small maid entered the room, her shoulders were hunched over and her skin was so pale it had turned white contrasting her black hair and the dark black uniform she wore. She went into a small curtsey, "I am here to prepare the prince's bride-to-be for dinner." She said her tone flat and devoid of emotion. I went closer to her trying to get a better look at her. She looked up and I saw her eyes, they were completely white with a slight grey iris. They looked glossed over and showed no emotion like any other feature on her face. "I am here to prepare the prince's bride-to-be for dinner," she repeated.

She placed a hand on my arm and I shivered at the coldness of her touch. Her grip was tight on my arm and as I tried to shrug her off it only tightened. She pulled me by the arm and pulled me to the closet. She pushed me through first and then stood in the doorway blocking my path. All the gowns in the closet were solid black. She released my arm to look through and pick out a gown. I took the opportunity to push past her and ran toward the door. It was still unlocked. I got passed the first door and went down the hallway to the second door. I knew it was a long shot that both doors would be unlocked but I had to attempt something, do something to remind me that I was not his willing prisoner. As I pulled and pulled on the door it would not budge.

I felt the cold hand wrap around my arm again and turned and saw the maid, "I am here to prepare the prince's bride-to-be for dinner." She said again pulling me back into the room. She helped me change into a dark black ballgown. It was a floor length ball gown with a high-neck and short sleeves. The bodice was covered in lace and was beaded. She then sat me down in front of a mirror and began to do my hair. She pulled it up into a high ponytail and put a silver crown with black opal gemstones embedded into it. She tried to take off my amulet but I turned away and she moved her hands away from my neck.

She walked out the room and locked the door behind her. I stayed seated and still. I have never been trapped like this before. Usually my necklace would send a princess to help me when I was a kid back at Royal Prep but, it stopped doing that a long time ago. None of my powers would work or be helpful in my current situation. I didn't have any of the Protector's equipment. I need help if I'm going to escape this.

(James POV)

I had talked with my parents and told them that Hugo and I were going after Sofia. They offered to give us soldiers, battalions and other resources but, we didn't need any of that. Prince Desmond offered to come with us to but, we all agreed it would be for the best for him to stay behind in case that psycho came back and tried to take Amber as well. I went back to get Hugo after I had finished packing the supplies and saddling the horses. He was standing in the same position staring at the letter that I had given to him from Sofia. His mouth had fell open and he wasn't moving. "Hugo?" I said. He shook his head and looked up at me, "We are ready to go." His face shifted and a determined look appeared. He walked past me and out the door. I caught up to him and we went over to the horses. Hugo still had not said a word. "Are you ready Hugo?" I looked over at him. He nodded, mounted the horse and snapped the reigns. 'Hold on Sofia we are going to be there soon' is the thought that kept circling my head as we followed the path of broken earth.

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