We Need to Get Out of Here

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Chapter 10

(Sofia POV)

I could feel my body shake as two women were pinning my wedding dress. The gown went off my shoulder and had long sleeves that slit at my elbows. The fabric came in at my waist and flowed out. My hair was in a simple braid so that way it would be out of their way. It was the only white fabric I had seen since I came here. The room was silent I knew they would only repeat the same phrase over and over, as that seemed to be the trend whenever I interacted with anyone besides Prince Cole, and I didn't feel like talking. I was completely numb and I didn't even feel it as one of the women stuck me with a pin accidentally. They left the room to get more pins and I looked in the mirror. The dress was beautiful but it didn't feel right, nothing felt right anymore. I don't know what to do but, I'm starting to understand why Princess Lilith didn't last long around here.

I heard a door unlock. I didn't even flinch at this, "Sofia," I heard a breathless voice that sounded so familiar. It sounded like him. I turned to look and I saw him, "Hugo" I whispered looking at him. I ran towards him and wrapped my arms around his neck, closing my eyes and let the tears begin to flow.

(Hugo POV)

James and I walked through the final maze of hallways until the arrow pointed at a single door. I tried opening it but it wouldn't open. I remembered a weird key-shaped thing in Sofia's bag and pulled it out, "That is her Necessi-key" James said, "It should be able to open anything." I put the key in the lock and the door opened. We walked down a long hallway and came to another door that was locked. We opened the door.

I saw her standing there in a white ball gown. She didn't see me and I took the moment to look at her. She looked absolutely stunning in that white gown, I wish she was wearing it for me. My eyes made my way up to her face and I saw it again. She looked empty like she did yesterday, I didn't want to know what he had done to take away her light but, I just wanted to see a glimmer of it come back. "Sofia" I let out weakly. She turned around and I saw her face change into disbelief she said something but, I didn't focus on it as she came running towards me and wrapped her arms around me. I could feel her tears hit my shoulder and I held onto her tighter. I never wanted to let her go but then I heard James clear his throat.

I placed her back on the ground and loosened my grip but she wasn't letting go. "Sofia," I whispered in her ear. "I'm afraid you'll disappear," she said into my shoulder, "I'm not going anywhere." I said and she released her grip around me but stayed close to me. She turned and saw James, "Miss me" he said. She took a step away from me and wrapped her arms around him as well. She was sobbing again, "I-I-I..." she was stuttering. James began shushing her, "We missed you too, now we need to get you out of here."

She started violently shaking her head into his shoulder. "I-I c-can't" she whimpered.

(Sofia POV)

I moved away from their arms and saw the confused look on both of their faces. I unwillingly forced myself to turn away from them. "Sofia we need to get you out of here, Hugo said grabbing my arm. "I can't go with you," I said trying to hold back the tears after some made their way out before. I tried to walk further into the room but Hugo pulled my arm forcing me to turn around, "Sofia what do you mean? We are her, we are going to take you home." I sighed and looked at him making eye contact, "If I go he ..."

The doorknob began to move and my eyes widened. I grabbed both James and Hugo's arms and threw them into the closet, "Please whatever happens don't come out. Please" I begged closing the door. I repositioned myself in front of the mirror and stayed still. "My Alice, you look breathtaking," Prince Cole said coming into the room. He looked down at the key in his hands, "I truly hate to lock you away but I can't have you running away again."

He came behind me and looked into the mirror from behind me putting his arms on my shoulders. I shudder under his touch but keep myself steady. He turned me around still holding both my shoulders, "I can't wait until we are finally married, I can finally fully explore the bounds of our marriage and explore other things," He leaned down and kissed my forehead, "Soon enough we will be able to have more than a stolen kiss on the forehead."I kept my eyes closed trying to remind myself of other things. His grip on my wrist tightened and it began to hurt, "We will be married soon enough, perhaps we can go a tad bit farther Alice." THUD

"What was that?" Prince Cole said snapping his gaze away from me and towards the closet. "Nothing, m-my love" I choked out the pet name, inwardly begging for him to forget about it. "Now, now Alice. You aren't keeping anything from me, are you?" I shook my head, "Good because I wouldn't want to have to punish you," he said bringing his hands to my face. "You aren't going to leave me are you?" "N-n-nooo" I stuttered as he forced me to look in his eyes. "Good because if you left me, you know what would happen to them," He said. I nodded, "I will not run away," I said. He pressed his lips against mine and I felt tears leave my eyes. "I have to stop myself for now but soon enough, you will be mine." He walked away from me and began to leave the room, "I will talk to them about a final few alterations to your dress before the wedding tomorrow. Goodbye Alice."

(Hugo POV)

I hated being in the closet. The door was left open a crack and I saw him walk in. He kept calling her Alice. He talked about how he hated locking her away and I watched her face and she was scared stealing glances over at the closet when she thought he wasn't looking.

He came behind her and put his hands on her, he shouldn't be in the same room with her let alone touch her. She was steady but I clenched my fist angrily the only thing stopping me from bursting out of the room was that I needed to get Sofia out of here and if I got James and me caught there was no one else who could help her. He turned her around and began speaking again, "I can't wait until we are finally married, I can finally fully explore the bounds of our marriage and explore other things," He leaned down and kissed her forehead and my breathing got heavier, "Soon enough we will be able to have more than a stolen kiss on the forehead." She kept her eyes closed while mine remained glued on her. I needed to stop his I had to do something. James was holding me back. "We will be married soon enough, perhaps we can go a tad bit farther Alice." I shook James' arm off and was ready to charge him knocking him into a rack of clothes. "What was that?"

I knew I messed up and I could only hope that we wouldn't get caught. "Please, please don't come here," I whispered keeping a watchful eye on them. He was saying something to her but, I couldn't hear it anymore. I watched him grabbing her face and I could see her tearing up my feet were cemented to the ground and I heard her say, "I will not run away." I then saw him lean down and kiss her. How dare he touch her, how dare he disrespect her and do all of this to her. She didn't deserve this. "I have to stop myself for now but soon enough you will be mine." He walked toward the door and added, "I will talk to them about a final few alterations to your dress before the wedding tomorrow. Goodbye Alice."

He closed the door and locked it as Sofia fell to the ground hugging her knees silent tears falling. "HOW DARE HE TOUCH YOU!" I asked coming back out. "We are getting out of here now, come on Sofia" I said walking towards her holding out a hand to take hers, but she wouldn't move, "Sofia?" She stayed in a ball on the floor and James came up to her, "Sofia," she looked up at both of us. "If I leave he is going to k-k-k-k..." "What is he going to do?" I asked wondering what is keeping her here. "He is going to kill Amber."

(Sofia POV)

He wrapped his arms around me. "Sofia I promise nothing is going to happen to Amber." "You can't promise that," I whimpered looking toward James. He was dumbfounded, "Sofia we don't trade lives." "We do when one is a real princess," I said.

I needed them to get out of here, "Please leave. I'm at peace with this. I will be ok." I don't want to talk anymore. I was at peace with this, it was my ancestors fault, I told everyone that I cared about them. Hugo took out a piece of paper and I immediately knew it was my letter. He leaned in to my ear and whispered, "I love you too. And I don't care if you are selfless enough to play martyr because I am selfish and I am not letting you go."

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