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Seonghwa's outfit

The salty breeze whipped through Seonghwa's hair as he stood at the bow of the medical ship, scanning the tumultuous sea

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The salty breeze whipped through Seonghwa's hair as he stood at the bow of the medical ship, scanning the tumultuous sea. His compassionate heart drove him to the relentless pursuit of saving lives on the open waters. Seonghwa had been waiting for this his entire life just because of that One incident that reminded of him how just healing someone could save their life.


Seagulls could be Heard flying over the ship and the sound of the water hitting the ship sounded calm to the little boy who helped his father with the Chores on the ship. Suddenly the Barrelman shouted loudly trying to getting the attention of the crew. Seonghwa's dad and his crew snapped their heads towards the men and saw his alarming them to look out in the front of the ship.

But scary threatening clouds enveloped their ship as crew members started panicking rushing around and the captain could be Heard giving commands as the crew tried everything to save the ship and people on board from the storm. Seonghwa's dad pushed him in a cabin yelling at him to not come out.

Seonghwa sat down on the chair trying his best to keep calm but when he heard the crew getting hurt hr couldn't keep his tears in as they flew out of the corners of his eyes. He tried to close his ears but still heard every little noise.

Seonghwa's eyes opened and he looked around. He peaked out of the window and saw the storm was calm and he heard the same seagulls. He burst the door open running around the ship to find his dad. He ran and asked the crew who were around and went to the captain's cabin. He saw many people who were injured. Then be saw his dad. His heart shattered into millions of peices. His dad was hurt and there was nothing he could do about it.

He found out that the ship didn't carry any medic because it was just a supplier and normal pirate ship. Seonghwa wasn't able to contain himself with the overwhelming emotions and burst into tears .  His father was fighting for his life and so were many other crew members. He felt so useless at that moment. He stayed next to his dad telling him to stay awake. "Dad please don't close your eyes! Just look at me and stay awake till we reach home please dad!", seonghwa let out as he tried his best not to cry again infront of his father.

The next morning came and as soon as the ship hit the shore every injured crew member was taken to the medic. Seonghwa and his mother were waiting outside the room covered with a curtain. The medic came out and shook his head and left  leaving seonghwa and his mother in shook as his mother broke down. He hugged his mother trying to support her and not breakdown. That was the day seonghwa finally realised that he needed to save the lives on land and sea . He promised to his father that day that he would become a medic.

Seonghwa threw all his dreams away and worked on becoming a great medic. He found a medic who worked on a pirate ship and so he asked him for his help.

"Excuse me sir -",
"oh! Seonghwa come on in! Your mother told me alot about you! Why don't you take a seat?",
"Thank you sir.",
"Well why do you wanna become a medic?",
"Ah that um.. it's that my dad ...",
"Don't worry I know what had happened but still if you want to help people then so be it i will teach you everything!",
"Thank you so much sir!",

And from that day onwards seonghwa
Studied every single detail of becoming a medic he was hardworking and that was realised by his master. He stayed up nights just to complete one of his medicine herbs but didn't give up. The day finally came and he became a certified medic! His mother was overjoyed and so was his master. When he opened a small medic house in the town he became the most popular there. His talks were everywhere even after the seven seas.

He was thankful enough for everything until he got an idea of making it into a ship. He asked the surrounding people who worked on ships if they could do so he could heal everyone in need. The people soon helped him make a pirate looking ship because it would help them go through the circumstances on the sea.

The ship was beautifully made for him with the best wood and decorated with flowers and other items. Seonghwa asked for a person who could possibly help them ran the ship and was gifted with one . They started sailing over the seas and helping people.

End of flashback

This is what he wanted and got. His dad must be smiling at him from above. He smiled as the sea waves hit the ship and the minty herb scent covered the area above ocean.

He walked to his ship feeling the peaceful and quiet wind blew from his dark locks . Seonghwa was laying a little on the railing until he heard a huge thunder.

-904 words

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