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Seonghwa wasn't sure what was going on. He was too tired to even cry and ask for help. seonghwa pushed his body backwards towards the wooden wall as he groaned in pain because of sitting in the same position for too long. He closed his eyes as he thought of the crew on the black pirates.


Seonghwa walked out of his cabin and saw the crew making loud noises laughing and loudly chatting while enjoying the food. He smiled to himself before shaking his head and continuing to walk towards the other room which he made his sickbay. He was about to enter the room when a loud shout stopped him. "SEONGHWA HYUNG COME JOIN US!!!", wooyoung shouted and he knew he wasn't in his sense cause they were drinking. He sat and walked towards the table and sat down before the cook placed the food on the table. It was his favourite tteokbookie. The smell and face of the food remained it if his mother's cooking. He smiled before picking up his chopsticks and taking a bite.

"This is really good hyunjay-sii", seonghwa complimented the chief who just smiled and bowed and left the table walking back into the kitchen. Seonghwa scanned the table and didn't find hongjoong on it. He was about to ask when." Hyung we know who you are searching for", mingi said giving a side eye and a sly smile as seonghwa felt heat rise from his face. " I-i was just asking!!", seonghwa defeated himself but ended up covering his face as the crew burst into laughter. " He is at the wheel. He didn't eat. So why don't you feed him. ", yeosang said nudging seonghwa's shoulder as everyone oh-ed. He stood up from the table grabbing the plate and walking away before any of them passes another comment.

He walked up the stairs and found hongjoong with his eagle as he rolled the wheel left right and looked around the ship's end. Seonghwa got an idea and sneaked up to him. "BOO!!", Before seonghwa could even process and think or react he saw no emotion on Hongjoong's face. Hongjoong raised his eyebrow and when seonghwa found out he wasn't scared he started pouting. "What's wrong and why are you pouting?", hongjoong let out holding in his breath which he didn't even notice himself. "I thought you would be scared", hwa left out pouting and pushing his bottom lip more out and letting him doe eyes shine brightly.

Hongjoong realised what happened and suddenly acted like ge had a heart attack as he grabbed his chest and gasped. "oh no! I m so scared! I almost had a heartattack! Hunter save me!", he let out like a drama queen and looked at his shoulder calling out to his eagle who looked done but started acting with hongjoong flapping his wings and let out a high pitched scream. Seonghwa giggled at the sight before stopping them. "Okay okay i understand that you are scared. But let's eat? I see you haven't eaten.", he stated and showed the plate to hongjoong. "Okay", hongjoong said as seonghwa offered the chopsticks as he let out a sigh. " What's wrong", seonghwa asked confused tilting his head to the side. "as you can see I m holding the wheel and if I let go of it then we might crash in a rock or something . You can feed me", he said with a smirk on his face as seonghwa just shook his head and picked up the tteokbookie and started feeding hongjoong. He grabbed some fish which were in the plate sitting behind hongjoong and fed it to hunter.

Hunter jumped off Hongjoong's shoulder and jumped into seonghwa's shoulder nibbling onto his cheek as seonghwa giggled at the ticklish feeling. The eagle was so in love with him. And so was his owner. Seonghwa didn't realise that hongjoong was staring at him with a beautiful smile on his face as he watched him and hunter playing around.

Flashback end

Seonghwa teared up at the thought and sobbed chanting the crews name to save him. He felt so weak and useless. Suddenly the door opened breaking his train of thoughts. He opened his eyes and saw the captain of the ship it was the same one who took him from hongjoong. He stared at him with hatered in his eyes almost cursing out. The man sat on the chair before pulling him by the chains towards himself. "Tell me little thing", he let out low and deep. As seonghwa shivered. He was too scared to say anything and too tired to fight with him. He just looked away before shaking his head. The men stood up and grabbed him by the hair as he let out whimpers and groans at the sudden action.

"If you don't then I will force it out of you bitch!", the man screamed at him. "I-i don't know what you -"," YOU KNOW EVERYTHING BITCH!", the man shouted infront on his face inches away. "I r-really d-dont know please -", he let out helplessly. The guy let go of his hair and started undoing the chains which made seonghwa think different things.
What is he doing? Is he doing to let me go? If he going to throw me off the ship? Hongjoong please san, wooyoung! Mingi please someone!

The man pulled him out of the room and he saw the dark night sky with stars in them . He was pulled into another room which was beautifully decorated and blue was everywhere. Ts²he chairs the bed everything was blue and gold. The captain threw him on the bed and hovered over him. He grabbed his hands and held them above his head as seonghwa squirmed underneath whimpering. He was so. Weak. So useless. The captain ripped his shirt off and started sucking his nipples before shouting " TELL ME ! BITCH OR ELSE I M GOING FUCK YOU'RE BRAINS OUT!", he screamed on top his lungs and reached for seonghwa's pants when the door bursted open.

- 1039 words
- luv_ yeonie

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