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It was another day on board as the sun shone above the ship covering it with the golden rays, reaching all the dark corners making them shine brightly. Seonghwa sat on the side porch of the staircase leading towards the captain wheel. His eyes were closed as he sat leaning towards the side of the boat, feeling the peaceful air brushing through him making him relax.

Seonghwa was more than happy to be on the ship because of how loving the crew were. He opened his eyes and turned to look around noticing the crew immersed in their works. He noticed yeosang on the crow's nest looking over the ocean with his spyglass and sat back down when he saw no danger. Seonghwa turned his head once again and saw san and wooyoung arguing over something but within a while they were back to normal finally agreeing onto something. He turned back and noticed mingi and yunho talking to each other and fixing the bullet shooters and other parts of the ship.

He looked over and saw jongho calling out for yeosang as he threw the apple at him in the crow's nest to give him a snake. This swelled seonghwa's chest making him realise that the scary looking pirates are just some normal boys trying to show affection to each other and are just trying to act tough. Seonghwa smiled to himself before leaning back at the wood locking his eyes on the sky which was full of clouds prepped over the light blue sky. Seonghwa knew he needed to go back to his own ship to look after the others soon but right now it felt like a happy moment for him.

Suddenly a cough broke him out of his train of thoughts. Seonghwa turned his head to the sound of the cough his eyes turning into half moons as soon as he saw the captain who stood there with no emotion on his face. Seonghwa stood up and stumbled towards him.  "Yah! I told you to rest not to walk around!", he scolded him checking Hongjoong's every Inch of his body for any scratches.

Hongjoong stared at him but soon sighed out loud turning seonghwa's attention to himself. " I'm alright seonghwa-sii and I think you should return to your ship now cause I got a letter", he said and whistled as a large eagle came cutting the salty ocean wind and sat on Hongjoong's shoulder as hongjoong undid the small piece of paper from the eagle's claw. He handed it to seonghwa who confusingly opened it.

Greetings captain hongjoong,
We are here to ask for our head doctor since it's been a month. We ask for you to send him back as soon as possible since it's an emergency. Thank you.


Seonghwa unsurely stool a glance over to hongjoong who has zero interest in the letter and seonghwa reading it and was petting his eagle gently. Seonghwa stood there waiting for any comments. " I think you should pack up your stuff cause we will be soon reaching your town", hongjoong stated and walked off without any second glance.

Seonghwa sighed and walked towards his cabin and threw himself on the bed and covered his face with his hands rubbing it aggressively. He was somehow attached to the crew members now. How yunho and mingi used to tell him about there adventures, yeosang and jongho how they fought a restaurant owner because they wanted to kidnap the chef cause yunho's cooking was awful, wooyoung and san telling how they all got together and told about Hongjoong's Stories. Once when he tried to help wooyoung who because of his own mistake fell from the crow's nest and was dangling on the ship rope close to the water hongjoong tried to reach his hand but only to fall in the sea with wooyoung and after jongho and san helped them out of the sea which made them the victim of being bullied by the other crew members.

Seonghwa was totally unsure of his feelings at the moment. He felt different emotions pass through him like a wave hit him. He just buried his head in the pillow and fell asleep.

-806 words

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